International Criminal Court (ICC)
Rules of Procedure and Evidence

Adopted by the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC)
at its first session, held in New York from 3 to 10 September / September 2002

Chapter 1: General Provisions
Rule 1: Use of terms
In this document:
- refers to the "substance" articles of the Rome Statute;
- refers to the "circle" of a Chamber;
- refers to the "door" Parts of the Rome Statute;
- refers to the "Presiding Judge" Presiding Judge of a Chamber;
- "refers to the president," the President of the Court;
- refers to the "Regulations" Regulations of the Court;
- refers to the "Rules" the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.
Rule 2: Authentic texts
Rules have been adopted in the official languages ​​of the Court contained in paragraph 1 of Article 50, and all texts are equally authentic.
Rule 3: Amendments
1 - referred the proposed amendments to the rules in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 51, to head the Office of the Assembly of States Parties.
2 - to ensure President Bureau of the Assembly of States Parties to translate all proposed amendments to the languages ​​of the Court official and forwarded to the States Parties.
3 - The procedure described in sub-rules 1 and 2 also apply to the provisional rules referred to in paragraph 3 of Article 51.
Chapter 2: Configuring and administration of the Court
Section 1: General provisions relating to the composition and administration of the Court

Rule 4: Plenary
1 - The judges shall meet in plenary session no later than two months after the election. The judges, in that first session, and after solemn undertaking, in accordance with rule 5, including the following:
(a) the election of President and Vice President;
(b) the appointment of judges in the people.
2 - The judges shall meet later in a plenary session once a year at least to carry out their functions under the statute, and the rules and regulations, and meet, where appropriate, in the special plenary sessions convened by the President on his own initiative or at the request of half of the judges.
3 - The quorum for each plenary session two-thirds of the judges.
4 - unless stated otherwise in the statute or in the rules, decisions of the plenary vote of the judges present. In the case of a tie, the President, or the judge acting president a casting vote.
5 - Regulations shall be adopted in plenary as soon as possible.
Rule 5: Solemn undertaking under Article 45
1 - as stipulated in Article 45, before exercising their functions under the Statute, is providing the following solemn undertaking:
(a) For the judge:
"I solemnly declare that I will perform my duties and exercise my powers as a judge of the International Criminal Court honorably, faithfully, impartially and conscientiously, and that I will respect the confidentiality of investigations and trial and deliberations ";
(b) for the Prosecutor and the Deputy Prosecutor, the Registrar and Deputy Registrar:
"I solemnly declare that I will perform my duties and exercise my powers as (title) of the International Criminal Court honorably, faithfully, impartially and conscientiously, and that I will respect the confidentiality of investigations and trial" ;
2 - The undertaking, signed by the person making it and witnessed by the President or a Vice President of the Bureau of the Assembly of States Parties to the Registry records.
Rule 6: Solemn undertaking by the staff of the Office of the Prosecutor and the Registrar, interpreters and translators
1 - at the start of employment, every staff of the Office of the Prosecutor or the registrar's office the following pledge:
"I solemnly declare that I will perform my duties and exercise my powers as (title) of the International Criminal Court honorably, faithfully, impartially and conscientiously, and that I will respect the confidentiality of investigations and trial";
retains , in the Registry and records undertaking, signed by the person making it and witnessed it, as appropriate, the Attorney General or the Deputy Attorney General or Registrar or Deputy Registrar.
2 - provides interpreter or a translator, before performing any duties, the following
pledge: " I solemnly declare that I will perform my duties faithfully, impartially and with full respect for the duty of confidentiality ";
maintained in the Registry records, undertaking, signed by the person making it and witnessed by the President or his representative.
Rule 7: Single judge under paragraph 2 (b) '3 'of Article 39
1 - When you set the Pre-Trial Chamber One judges a single judge in accordance with paragraph 2 (b) '3 'of Article 39, it does so on the basis of objective criteria in advance.
2 - The designated judge shall appropriate decisions on matters that are not provided for in the Statute and the Rules expressly to decide by the full Chamber.
3 - Pre-Trial Chamber may decide, on its own motion or at the request of a party, when necessary to play the full Chamber functions of the single judge.
Rule 8: Code of Professional Conduct
1 - formulate the Presidency, on the basis of a proposal by the Registrar, and after consultation with the Attorney General, the draft code of professional conduct for lawyers, and when preparing the proposal, being recorded consultations in accordance with sub-rule 3 of Rule 20.
2 - referred draft Code shall then the Assembly of States Parties , for the purpose of adoption, in accordance with paragraph 7 of Article 112.
3 - Code includes procedures for its amendment.
Section 2: Office of the Prosecutor
Rule 9: the work of the Office of the Prosecutor
Puts the Prosecutor, in carrying out its responsibility for the management and administration of the Office of the Prosecutor, the regulations governing the work of the office. The Attorney General shall consult with the Registrar, when preparing or amending these regulations, in any matters that may affect the operation of the Registry.
Rule 10: Retention of information and evidence
The Prosecutor shall be responsible for the retention of information and physical evidence obtained during the investigation conducted by his office, storage and security.
Rule 11: Delegation of functions of the Attorney General
With the exception of the special powers Prosecutor set forth in the statute, including those described in articles 15 and 53, the Prosecutor may or Deputy Attorney General to authorize the staff of the Office of the Prosecutor, other than those referred to in paragraph 4 of Article 44, that يمثلوه in the performance of its functions.
Section 3: Registry
Subsection 1: General Provisions relating to the Court's

Rule 12: qualifications of the Registrar, the Deputy Registrar and elected
1 - The Presidency, once elected, a list of candidates who meet the requirements set out in paragraph 3 of Article 43, and transmit it to the Assembly of States Parties, with a request for any recommendations.
2 - Upon receipt of any recommendations from the Assembly of States Parties, transmitted by the President without delay, the list together with recommendations to the plenary session.
3 - The Court shall elect, meeting in plenary session, as soon as possible, the Registrar by an absolute majority, as stipulated in paragraph 4 of Article 43, taking into account any recommendations by the Assembly of States Parties. If no candidate obtains an absolute majority in the first ballot, successive ballots shall be held to be a candidate gets the absolute majority.
4 - if the need arose for a Deputy Registrar, the Registrar may submit a recommendation to the President. The President shall convene a plenary session to decide on this matter. If the court decides, meeting in plenary session, an absolute majority of elected Deputy Registrar, shall submit a list of candidates to the Court.
5 - The Court shall elect, meeting in plenary session Deputy Registrar in the same way that elected Registrar.
Rule 13: Functions of the Registrar
1 - The Registrar as a communication channel for the court, and without prejudice to the authority of the Office of the Prosecutor under the Statute of receiving information and access, delivery and establish channels of communication for this purpose.
2 - The Registrar shall also be responsible for the internal security of the Court in consultation with the Presidency and the Prosecutor, as well as the host country.
Rule 14: Operation of the Registry
1 - The Registrar, in discharging his or her responsibility in the organization and management of the Registry, the regulations governing the operation of the Registry. The Registrar shall consult, when preparing or amending these regulations, with the Prosecutor on any matter that may affect the operation of the Public Prosecutor's Office. And approved by the Presidency regulations.
2 - The regulations shall provide for defense counsel to have access to appropriate administrative assistance and reasonable from the Registry.
Rule 15: Records
1 - The Registrar shall keep a database containing all the details of all the issues before the Court, subject to any order of a judge or Chamber provides for non-disclosure of any document or information, and to the protection of sensitive personal data, and the information they contain database available to the public the working languages ​​of the Court.
2 - The Registrar shall also maintain other records of the court.
Subsection 2: The Victims and Witnesses Unit
Rule 16: Responsibilities of the Registrar relating to victims and witnesses
1 - In relation to victims, the Registrar shall be responsible for performing the following tasks in accordance with the statute and rules:
(a) notice or notification to victims or their legal representatives;
(b) assist them in obtaining legal advice and organizing their legal representation, and provide support and assistance and adequate information to representatives legal, including facilities, as appropriate, in order to perform their duties immediately, in order to protect their rights during all stages of the proceedings, in accordance with rules 89 to 91;
(c) helping them to participate in the various stages of the proceedings, in accordance with rules 89 to 91;
(d) measures taken into account where gender to facilitate the participation of victims of sexual violence in all stages of the proceedings.
2 - In relation to victims and witnesses and other persons who are at risk on account of testimony given by such witnesses, the Registrar shall be responsible for performing the following tasks in accordance with the statute and rules:
(a) informed of their rights Under the statute, rules and the presence of the Victims and Witnesses Unit, functions and accessibility;
(b) be informed in a timely manner, of the relevant court and key decisions that may have an impact on their interests, subject to provisions on confidentiality;
3 - to perform its functions, the Registrar may keep a record for victims who have expressed their intention to participate in a particular case.
4 - The Registrar may negotiate on behalf of the Court with States on agreements to transfer and provision of services in the territory of a state for the people shocked or exposed to the threat of the victims or witnesses and others who are at risk because of the testimony of these witnesses. And may these agreements remain confidential.
Rule 17: Functions of the Unit
1 - exercise and Victims and Witnesses Unit functions pursuant to paragraph 6 of Article 43.
2 - lead and Victims and Witnesses Unit, inter alia, the following tasks in accordance with the Statute and the Rules and consultation - where appropriate - with the Chamber, the Prosecutor and the defense:
(a) with respect to all witnesses , victims who appear before the Court, and others who are at risk because of testimony given by such witnesses, according to their needs and circumstances:
'1 'to provide protective and security measures appropriate to them and to develop plans, long and short term to protect them;
'2 'recommendation organs of the Court to adopt measures Protection, as well as inform the States concerned such measures;
'3 'them in obtaining medical and psychological assistance and other types of assistance needed;
'4 'access to training in issues of trauma and sexual violence, security and confidentiality, the court and the parties;
'5 'recommendation, in consultation with the Office Attorney General, to develop a code of conduct, with an emphasis on the vital nature of security and confidentiality for investigators of the Court and the defense and all intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations working on behalf of the Court, as appropriate;
'6 'cooperation with States, where appropriate, to provide any of the measures provided for in This rule;
(b) With respect to witnesses:
'1 'mentored them to obtain legal advice for the purpose of protecting their rights, especially with regard to the testimony;
'2 'help them when they are called to testify before the court;
'3 'measures which take into account gender to facilitate the testimony in all stages of the proceedings of victims of sexual violence;
3 - Unit to pay, in performing its functions, special attention to the needs of children, the elderly and the disabled. To facilitate the participation and protection of children as witnesses, appoint unit when appropriate, and with the consent of the parents or legal guardian, someone to help the child through all stages of the proceedings.
Rule 18: Responsibilities of the Unit
The unit of victims and witnesses, in order to efficient and effective performance of its work, including the following:
(a) Ensure that the staff Unit maintain confidentiality at all times;
(b) respect the interests of witnesses, with recognizing the specific interests of the Office of the Prosecutor and the defense witnesses, ways including, if necessary, by maintaining an appropriate separation of services provided to the prosecution and defense witnesses, and commitment to neutrality in cooperation with all parties and in accordance issued by the Chambers of judgments and decisions;
(c) provide administrative and technical assistance for witnesses, victims who appear before the Court, and others who are at risk on account of testimony given by such witnesses, during all stages of the proceedings and thereafter, as reasonably appropriate;
(d) Ensure training of its employees with respect to victims and witnesses and their safety and dignity, including matters related to gender and cultural diversity;
(e) cooperation, when appropriate, with intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations.
Rule 19: Expertise in the Unit
In addition to the staff mentioned in paragraph 6 of Article 43, and subject to Article 44, may include Victims and Witnesses Unit, as appropriate, persons with expertise in areas including:
(a) Witness protection and security;
(b) legal and administrative matters, including areas related to humanitarian law and criminal law;
(c) management tasks (logistics);
(d) Psychology in criminal proceedings;
(e) gender and cultural diversity;
(f) children, especially children traumatized;
(g) the elderly, especially in connection with armed conflict and trauma resulting from exile;
(h) Persons with disabilities;
(i) Social and counseling;
(j) health care;
(k) interpretation and translation.
Subsection 3: Defense attorneys
Rule 20: Responsibilities of the Registrar relating to the rights of the defense
1 - According to paragraph 1 of Article 43, the Registrar shall organize the Registry staff in a manner that promotes the rights of defense, in line with the principle of fair trial as defined in the statute. For this purpose, the Registrar shall, inter alia, the following:
(a) facilitate the protection of confidentiality, as defined in paragraph 1 (b) of Article 67;
(b) to provide support, assistance and information to all defense counsel appearing before the Court, and provide support necessary, as necessary, for professional investigators of the defense effectively;
(c) help the people who were arrested, people who apply to them paragraph 2 of Article 55, and the accused in obtaining legal advice and counsel;
(d) Advise the Prosecutor and the Chambers, as appropriate, matters relating to defense-related;
(e) provide adequate facilities, for the defense, as appropriate, to enable it to perform the task of defending directly;
(f) to facilitate the dissemination of information and case law of the Court to defense counsel, and cooperation, as appropriate, with the Bar Associations National or any independent representative body of counsel or legal associations referred to in paragraph 3 of the base, to encourage specialization lawyers, trained in the legal aspects of the statute and rules.
2 - The Registrar shall carry out the functions stipulated in paragraph 1 of the base, including the financial management of the Registry , the manner as to ensure the professional independence of defense lawyers.
3 - Registrar shall consult, as appropriate, for purposes such as management of legal assistance in accordance with rule 21 and the development of a code of professional conduct in accordance with Rule 8 with any independent representative body of counsel or legal associations, including any such a body may be facilitated by the Assembly of States Parties.
Rule 21: Provision of legal assistance
1 - Subject to paragraph 2 (c) of Article 55, paragraph 1 (d) of Article 67, placed standards and procedures to provide legal assistance in the Regulations on the basis of a proposal by the Registrar, following consultations with any independent representative body of counsel or legal associations, as referred to in paragraph 3 of Rule 20.
2 - The Registrar shall create and maintain a list of lawyers who meet the criteria set forth in rule 22 and the Regulations. The person freely choose counsel from this list or other counsel who meets the required criteria and has the desire to be included in the list.
3 - A person may seek from the Presidency to reconsider a decision to refuse a request for appointment of counsel. The decision of the Presidency shall be final. If a request is refused, the person may apply to the Registrar, if explained that a change in circumstances.
4 - If someone chooses to represent himself, a Registrar in writing at the earliest possible opportunity.
5 - If a person claims then it turned out that he was not indigent , the Chamber may consider the case at that time to order the recovery of attorneys' fees.
Rule 22: the appointment of defense counsel and qualifications
1 - The lawyers of recognized competence in international or criminal law and criminal procedure, as well as the necessary relevant experience, whether as judge, prosecutor, advocate or in any similar capacity, in criminal proceedings. This has the lawyer excellent knowledge of at least one of the working languages ​​of the Court and be fluent. It can help a lawyer by other persons, including law professors who meet the necessary expertise.
2 - The lawyer appointed by the person exercising his right under the statute to retain legal counsel chosen by the same request attorney with the Registrar at the earliest possible opportunity.
3 - subject Lawyers, in the performance of their duties, the statute, rules, and regulations, and the Code of Professional Conduct for defense counsel adopted in accordance with rule 8 and any other document adopted by the Court may be linked to the performance of their duties.
Section 4: cases that can affect the functioning of the Court
Subsection 1: Removal from office and disciplinary proceedings
Rule 23: The general principle
A judge, the Prosecutor and the Deputy Prosecutor, the Registrar and the Deputy Registrar shall be removed from office or subjected to disciplinary action in the cases provided for in the statute and in the rules with such guarantees as are established in these subjects.
Rule 24: Definition of serious misconduct and serious breach of duty
1 - For the purposes of paragraph 1 (a) of Article 46, is "serious misconduct" in conduct that:
(a) occurs in the course of official duties, is incompatible with official functions, or is likely to cause serious harm to the administration of justice properly before the Court or the proper internal functioning of the Court, such as:
'1 'disclosure of the facts or information of a person in the exercise of its function, or on a matter under consideration, if such disclosure is prejudicial to the judicial proceedings or to any person;
' 2 'Concealing information or circumstances of a sufficiently serious that would have prevented holding office;
'3 'Abuse of judicial office order to obtain preferential treatment unwarranted from any authorities, officials or professionals; or
(b) if it occurs outside the tasks official, and a grave nature that causes or is likely to cause serious harm to the reputation of the court.
2 - For the purposes of paragraph 1 (a) of Article 46, "serious breach of duty" every person has been grossly negligent in the performance of his duties, or knowingly acted in a manner contravention of those duties. This includes cases where the person with the following:
(a) non-compliance with the duty to request to be excused, knowing that there are grounds for doing so;
(b) delay repeatedly and without justification in the trigger or trial of cases, or in the exercise of judicial powers.
Rule 25: Definition of misconduct of a less serious nature
1 - For the purposes of Article 47, "misconduct of a less serious nature" conduct that:
(a) occurs during the performance of official duties, causes or is likely to cause harm to the administration of justice are properly before the Court or the proper internal functioning of the Court, such as:
' 1 'interference in the exercise of a person referred to in Article 47;
'2 'default or negligence repeatedly in the implementation of the requests made ​​by the Chief Judge or by the Presidency in the exercise of their legal authority;
'3 'failure to implement disciplinary action against the Registrar or Deputy Registrar and staff other court when a judge knows or should know of a serious breach of duty on their part;
(b) or it occurs outside the official duties, causes or is likely to cause harm to the reputation of the court.
2 - Nothing in this rule precludes the possibility that the conduct set out in paragraph 1 (a) of rule "serious misconduct" or "serious breach of duty" for the purposes of paragraph 1 (a) of Article 46.
Rule 26: Receipt of complaints
1 - For the purposes of paragraph 1 of Article 46 and Article 47, any complaint from any conduct defined under rules 24 and 25, the reasons upon which the identity of the complainant and any relevant evidence, if available, and complaint shall remain confidential.
2 - referred all complaints to the Presidency Court may also initiate action on its own initiative and to dismiss, pursuant to the Regulations of the Court, on complaints received from anonymous or clear they are not based on any basis and transmit the other complaints to the competent organ. The Presidency shall be assisted in this work by one or more of one judge appointed on the basis of automatic rotation, according to the list.
Rule 27: common provisions on the rights of the defense
1 - in the cases being considered in the removal from office pursuant to Article 46 or to take disciplinary action against him pursuant to Article 47, notify the person in writing.
2 - The person concerned shall be afforded full opportunity to present and receive evidence, and make written submissions and to respond to any questions put to him.
3 - the person may be represented by counsel during the process established under this rule.
Rule 28: Suspension from work
If an allegation against a person who is the subject of a complaint of a serious nature enough, this person may be suspended from duty pending the competent organ of the final decision.
Rule 29: Procedure in the event of a request for removal from office
1 - raise the question of isolating a judge, the Registrar or Deputy Registrar from office to vote in a plenary session.
2 - Presidency shall advise the President Office of the Assembly of States Parties in writing of any recommendation adopted judges, and any decision of the Registrar or Deputy Registrar.
3 - notify the Attorney General Chairman of the Office of the Assembly of States Parties in writing of any recommendation by the case of a Deputy Prosecutor.
4 - If the conduct is found not amount to serious misconduct or breach of duty, which, in accordance with Article 47 that misconduct which the person concerned is a less serious nature , and disciplinary action.
Rule 30: Procedure in the event of a request for disciplinary measures
1 - in the case of judges, the Registrar or Deputy Registrar, any decisions regarding disciplinary action taken by the Presidency.
2 - in the case of the Prosecutor, any decision to take disciplinary action by an absolute majority of the Office of the Assembly of States Parties.
3 - in the case of Deputy Prosecutor :
(a) The Prosecutor shall take decisions on blaming;
(b) Any decision to impose financial penalties absolute majority of the Bureau of the Assembly of States Parties on the recommendation of the Attorney General.
4 - recorded Reprimands in writing and forwarded to the President of the Office of the Assembly of States Parties.
Rule 31: Removal from office
Applies decision of removal from office immediately released, and the person concerned shall cease in court, including his participation in the consideration of current issues which he was involved.
Rule 32: Disciplinary action
The disciplinary measures that may be imposed:
(a) reprimand; or
(b) a financial penalty not exceeding six months shall be deducted from the salary paid by the court to the person concerned.
Subsection 2: Exemption, disqualification, death and resignation
Rule 33: Excusing a judge or prosecutor or a Deputy Prosecutor
1 - the judge or the Attorney General or the Deputy Attorney General who is seeking to be excused from exercising her functions shall make a written request to the Presidency, specifying the reasons for his removal.
2 - The Presidency shall request confidentiality, not make public the reasons for taken on the basis of which the decision without the consent of the person concerned.
Rule 34: Disqualification of a judge, prosecutor or a Deputy Prosecutor
1 - In addition to the reasons set out in paragraph 2 of Article 41, paragraph 7 of Article 42, the grounds for disqualification of a judge, prosecutor or his deputy, inter alia, the following:
(a) personal interest in the case, including the marital relationship , parental or other close family, or personal or professional relationship, or a subordinate relationship, any of the parties;
(b) To participate, in his personal capacity, in any legal proceedings initiated prior involvement in the case, or is initiated after that, and be in cases, the person being investigated or trial adversary;
(c) Performance of functions, prior to taking office, which is expected to be have formed an opinion on the issue to be considered or for parties or their legal representatives, which could adversely affect, in terms of objectivity, impartiality required of the person concerned;
(d) Expression of opinions, through the communications media, in writing or in public actions, could adversely affect, objectively speaking, the required impartiality of the person concerned.
2 - and subject to the provisions set forth in paragraph 2 of Article 41 and paragraph 8 of Article 42, the request shall be submitted in writing as soon know the reasons on which it is based. The request shall state the reasons, and attach any relevant evidence, and shall be transmitted to the person concerned, who may present written submissions.
3 - separated in any matter relating to the disqualification of the Prosecutor or a Deputy Prosecutor shall be decided by a majority of the judges of the Appeals Chamber.
Rule 35: Duty of a judge, prosecutor or a Deputy Attorney General to request exemption
If there is a judge, prosecutor or a deputy prosecutor to believe that there are reasons to depose him, submit a request to be excused is not expected to submit request for disqualification under paragraph 2 of Article 41 or paragraph 7 of Article 42, and Rule 34 being provided demand and assume the Presidency considered in accordance with rule 33.
Rule 36: The death of a judge, the Prosecutor or a Deputy Prosecutor, the Registrar or Deputy Registrar
The Presidency shall in writing bureau chief of the Assembly of States Parties to the death of a judge, the Prosecutor or a Deputy Prosecutor, the Registrar or Deputy Registrar.
Rule 37: the resignation of a judge or prosecutor or a Deputy Prosecutor, the Registrar or Deputy Registrar
1 - A judge, prosecutor or deputy prosecutor or Registrar or Deputy Registrar in writing the Presidency decision to resign, and the Presidency in writing notify the Chairman of the Office of the Assembly of States Parties.
2 - A judge, prosecutor or deputy prosecutor, the Registrar or Deputy Registrar to give notice of the date on which the resignation will take effect before that date at least six months. Before the resignation of a judge in effect, make the judge every effort to carry out its responsibilities pending.
Subsection 3: Replacements and alternate judges
Rule 38: Replacements
1 - may replace any judge to objective and justified reasons, including the following:
(a) resignation;
(b) Accepted excuse;
(c) Disqualification;
(d) Removal from office;
(e) Death.
2 - Replacement shall, in accordance with pre-established procedure in the Statute, the Rules and Regulations.
Rule 39: Alternate Judge
In appointing an alternate judge by the Presidency to work in the Chamber pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article 74, it should attend the proceedings and deliberations of the case, but he may not participate in the exercise of any of the functions of the members of the Trial Chamber hearing the case, unless asked him to replace a member of the Trial Chamber if that member is unable to continue attending. Alternate judges shall be in accordance with the procedure established by the Court in advance.
Section 5: Publication, languages ​​and translation
Rule 40: Publication of decisions in the official languages ​​of the Court
1 - For the purposes of paragraph 1 of Article 50, considers the following resolutions as resolving fundamental issues:
(a) All decisions of the Appeals Division;
(b) All decisions of the Court on its jurisdiction or on the admissibility of a case pursuant to articles 17, 18, ​​19 and 20 ;
(c) All decisions of the Trial Chamber on guilt or innocence and impose punishment and reparations to victims pursuant to articles 74, 75 and 76;
(d) All decisions Pre-Trial Chamber pursuant to paragraph 3 (d) of Article 57.
2 - publishes decisions on confirmation of charges under paragraph 7 Article 61, relating to offenses against the administration of justice under paragraph 3 of Article 70, all the languages ​​of the court official if you decide the presidency they resolve fundamental issues.
3 - The Presidency may decide to publish other decisions in all the official languages ​​when such decisions concern major issues relating to the interpretation system or the implementation of the basic or related to a major issue of public interest.
Rule 41: working languages ​​of the Court
1 - For the purposes of paragraph 2 of Article 50, the Presidency shall authorize the use of an official language of the Court as a working in the following cases:
(a) When was the majority of the parties in the case before the Court understands that language and spoken and asked that any participant in the proceedings; or
(b) when asked the prosecutor or the defense.
2 - The Presidency may authorize the use of one of the official languages ​​of the Court as a working if it considers that language efficiency of the proceedings.
Rule 42: translation services and interpretation
Court shall arrange for translation services and interpretation necessary to ensure the implementation of its obligations under the Statute and the Rules.
Rule 43: Procedure applicable to the publication of court documents
The Court shall ensure that all documents that are published in accordance with the statute and these rules and duty to protect the confidentiality of the proceedings and the security of victims and witnesses.
Chapter 3: jurisdiction and admissibility
Section 1: Declarations and referrals relating to articles 11 and 12, 13 and 14

Rule 44: Declaration provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 12
1 - at the request of the prosecutor, inquire of a State not party to the Statute or that has become a party to the Statute after its entry into force, its intention to make the declaration provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 12.
2 - When State lodges or announces its intent to lodge a declaration with the Registrar pursuant to paragraph 3 of Article 12, or when the Registrar acts pursuant to paragraph 1 of rule, it shall inform the State concerned that the results of the declaration under paragraph 3 of Article 12, the acceptance of jurisdiction with respect to offenses referred to in Article 5 relevance to the situation and apply the provisions of section 9, and any rules relating to States parties.
Rule 45: refer the case to the Attorney General
Referral of a case to the Attorney General in writing.
Section 2: Initiation of investigations under Article 15
Rule 46: Information provided to the Prosecutor under paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 15
In the case of information submitted under paragraph 1 of Article 15, or upon receipt of oral or written testimony under paragraph 2 of Article 15, the Court, the Prosecutor shall protect the confidentiality of such information and testimony or take other necessary measures, by virtue of her duties under the statute.
Rule 47: Testimony under paragraph 2 of Article 15
1 - The provisions of rules 111 and 112, are applicable, mutatis mutandis, to testimony received by the Attorney General pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 15.
2 - If the Prosecutor considers that there is a high probability that the certificate can not be obtained later, he may request of the Pre-Trial Chamber shall take the necessary measures to ensure the efficiency and integrity of the proceedings, and to appoint a lawyer or a judge of the Trial Chamber shall be present during the taking of the testimony in order to protect the rights of the defense. If the testimony later in the proceedings, the admissibility shall be subject to paragraph 4 of Article 69 and give weight as determined by the relevant department.
Rule 48: Report of the Attorney General and there is no reasonable basis to proceed with an investigation under paragraph 3 of Article 15
Prosecutor takes into account, in order to determine whether there is a reasonable basis to proceed with an investigation under paragraph 3 of Article 15, the factors contained in paragraph 1 (a) to (c) of Article 53.
Rule 49: Decision and notice under paragraph 6 of Article 15
1 - Where a decision under paragraph 6 of Article 15, to ensure the prosecutor without delay notification accompanying statement of reasons his decision, one way to prevent jeopardizing safety, comfort and privacy for those who gave him information under paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 15, or the integrity of investigations or procedures.
2 - The notice shall also the possibility to provide additional information regarding the same situation in the light of any new facts or evidence.
Rule 50: the procedure to be followed to obtain the permission of the Pre-Trial Chamber to proceed with an investigation
1 - When the Prosecutor intends to seek authorization from the Pre-Trial Chamber to initiate an investigation pursuant to paragraph 3 of Article 15, the Prosecutor shall inform victims who know them or know and Victims and Witnesses Unit or their legal representatives, unless the Prosecutor decides that doing so would endanger the functioning investigation or the lives of victims and witnesses or comfort risk. They may also be the prosecutor that uses highway in the notification so that it can be up to groups of victims, if they decided that this notification could not, in the context of the circumstances concerned of the case, that jeopardize the safety of the investigation and its effectiveness, or the security and comfort of victims and witnesses. The Prosecutor may, in performing these functions, the use of Victims and Witnesses Unit, as appropriate.
2 - the Prosecutor request permission in writing.
3 - may, after providing information in accordance with sub-rule 1 to provide victims written statements to the Pre-Trial Chamber within the time limit specified in the list of Court.
4 - Trial Chamber may when deciding on the procedure to be followed to request additional information from the Attorney General or any of the victims have made ​​representations and may hold a hearing, if it deems it appropriate.
5 - Pre-Trial Chamber issue its decision, together with the reasons which called him, regarding whether to authorize the commencement of the investigation in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 15 on the request of the Prosecutor in whole or in part. The Pre-Trial Chamber of the victims who gave notice of the decision.
6 - The above procedure shall also apply to any new request to the Pre-Trial Chamber pursuant to paragraph 5 of Article 15.
Section 3: Challenges and preliminary rulings under articles 17, 18 and 19
Rule 51: The information submitted under Article 17
In considering the matters referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 17, and in the context of circumstances of the case, the court may consider, among other things, the information that you may choose the State referred to in paragraph 1 of article 17 submitted to the Court showing that its courts meet rules and internationally recognized standards for the prosecution of an independent and impartial judiciary of similar conduct, or that the State has confirmed in writing to the Prosecutor that the case is being investigated or prosecuted.
Rule 52: Notification provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 18
1 - includes notification, subject to the limitations set forth in paragraph 1 of Article 18, information about the acts that may constitute crimes referred to in Article 5, relevant for the purposes of paragraph 2 of Article 18.
2 - State may request additional information from Prosecutor to assist in the application of paragraph 2 of Article 18. Such a request shall not prejudice-month time limit provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 18, and accelerates Prosecutor answer it.
Rule 53: Deferral provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 18
When a State requests a deferral pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 18, that State shall request in writing and provide information concerning its investigation, taking into account paragraph 2 of Article 18. Prosecutor may seek additional information from that State.
Rule 54: the petition filed by the Attorney General under paragraph 2 of Article 18
1 - An application submitted by the Prosecutor to the Pre-Trial Chamber in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 18 shall be in writing and contain the basis for the filing of the petition. The Attorney General shall notify the Pre-Trial Chamber of the information provided by the State pursuant to Rule 53;
2 - The Attorney General shall notify the State in writing when he petitioned the Pre-Trial Chamber under paragraph 2 of Article 18, and shall include in the notice a summary of the grounds on which the petition is based.
Rule 55: Procedures relating to paragraph 2 of Article 18
1 - Trial Chamber shall decide on the procedure to be followed and may take appropriate measures to the proper conduct of the proceedings. It may hold a hearing.
2 - taught Pre-Trial Chamber to seek the Attorney General and any feedback provided by the state that requested a deferral in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 18, and shall consider the factors set forth in Article 17, in deciding whether to authorize an investigation.
3 - a rule Pre-Trial Chamber and the basis for the principal thereon to the Attorney General and the State which requested a deferral of investigation to it, as soon as possible.
Rule 56: the petition filed by the Attorney General after its review under paragraph 3 of Article 18
1 - after the Attorney General to reconsider as described in paragraph 3 of Article 18, he or she may request the Pre-Trial Chamber for authorization in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 18. The application to the Pre-Trial Chamber in writing and contain the basis for the application.
2 - Prosecutor shall notify the Pre-Trial Chamber any additional information provided by the State under paragraph 5 of Article 18.
3 - proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with sub-rule 2 of Rule 54 and Rule 55.
Rule 57: Provisional measures under paragraph 6 of Article 18
Consider a petition by the Prosecutor to the Pre-Trial Chamber in the circumstances set out in paragraph 6 of Article 18, of the one party in a closed session. The Pre-Trial Chamber shall in the petition as a matter of urgency.
Rule 58: Proceedings under Article 19
1 - A request / petition submitted under Article 19 in writing and contain the basis for it.
2 - When you receive a circle stabbed or question relating to its jurisdiction or the admissibility of the case in accordance with paragraph 2 or 3 of Article 19, or when acting in accordance with procedures as stipulated in the Paragraph 1 of Article 19, they decide on the procedure to be followed and may take appropriate measures to the proper conduct of the proceedings. It may hold a hearing. It may join the challenge or question the support or judicial proceedings as long as it does not cause undue delay. In this case, shall hear and decide on the challenge or question first.
3 - transmit Court request or application received under paragraph 2 of rule to the Attorney General and to the person referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 19, which was handed over to the court or voluntarily or by order attend, and allow them to submit written observations on the request or appeal within a period of time determined by the Chamber.
4 - The Court will first take any challenge or question of jurisdiction and then on any challenge or question of admissibility.
Rule 59: Participation in proceedings under paragraph 3 of Article 19
1 - For the purposes of paragraph 3 of Article 19, the Registrar shall inform any question or challenge of jurisdiction or admissibility which has arisen under paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of Article 19 to:
(a) Those transmitting pursuant to Article 13;
(b) victims who communicated with the Court already on that case or their legal representatives.
2 - Registrar shall submit to referred to in paragraph 1 of rule, manner consistent with the duty of the Court to maintain the confidentiality of information and protection of all persons and the preservation of evidence, a summary of the grounds on which to challenge the court's jurisdiction or admissibility.
3 - entities that may receive the information, as provided for in paragraph 1 of Rule submit written statements to the relevant department within such term as it considers appropriate circuit.
Rule 60: competent organ to receive appeals
If a challenge to the jurisdiction of the Court or the admissibility of the case after the confirmation hearing and before the formation or designation of the Trial Chamber, shall be addressed to the Presidency, which refer to the Trial Chamber once formed or designated in accordance with rule 130.
Rule 61: Provisional measures under paragraph 8 of Article 19
When the prosecutor makes a request to the competent department of the conditions set forth in paragraph 8 of Article 19, the provisions of Rule 57 shall apply.
Rule 62: Proceedings under paragraph 10 of Article 19
1 - If the Prosecutor request under paragraph 10 of Article 19, it is to submit it to the department that issued the latest ruling on admissibility. In this case, apply the provisions of rules 58, 59 and 61.
2 - notify the State or States which resulted in its request for an admissibility challenge under paragraph 2 of Article 19, decision of inadmissibility set forth in paragraph 10 of Article 19, the request of the Prosecutor and slowed term to submit its observations.
Chapter 4: Provisions relating to various stages of the proceedings
Section 1: Evidence
Rule 63: General provisions relating to evidence
1 - The rules of evidence set forth in this chapter, together with Article 69 of the Statute in proceedings before all Chambers.
2 - A Chamber shall have the authority, at its discretion provided for in paragraph 9 of Article 64, to assess freely all evidence submitted in order to determine its relevance or admissibility in accordance with article 69.
3 - A Chamber shall admissibility at the request of a party or on its own initiative, under paragraph 9 (a) of Article 64, and in the case based on the grounds set out in paragraph 7 of Article 69.
4 - Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 66, a Chamber shall not impose a legal requirement that corroboration is required to prove any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court, in particular, crimes of sexual violence.
5 - Chambers shall not apply national laws governing evidence, other than in accordance with the provisions Article 21.
Rule 64: Procedure relating to the relevance or admissibility of evidence
1 - must be raised the issue relating to relevance or admissibility when the evidence is submitted to the Chamber. And may, exceptionally, if those issues were not known at the time of the submission of evidence, to be raised soon to know. The Department may request that the matter be raised in writing. The Court of the written request to all participants in the proceedings, unless the court decides otherwise.
2 - Chamber shall give reasons for any decisions taken on evidentiary matters. These reasons shall be placed in the record of the proceedings, unless have written down during the course of the proceedings in accordance with paragraph 10 of Article 64, paragraph 1 of Rule 137.
3 - Trial Chamber does not consider the evidence determined irrelevant or inadmissible.
Rule 65: compel witnesses
1 - the court may compel a witness like before to testify, unless the statute and rules on the other, in particular rules 73, 74 and 75.
2 - Rule 171 applies to a witness who appeared before the Court is compellable to provide testimony under paragraph rule 1.
Rule 66: Solemn
1 - Except as described in paragraph 2 of rule, every witness, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 69, the following solemn undertaking before testifying:
"solemnly declare that I will speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."
2 - may be allowed to person under the age of 18 years, or the person who is his judgment unhealthy and Chamber considers that it does not understand the nature of the solemn undertaking, to witness without performing this solemn undertaking if the Chamber considers that the person is able to describe the issues that have a flag out and he understands the meaning of duty tell the truth.
3 - to make the witness, before testifying, the crime set forth in paragraph 1 (a) of Article 70.
Rule 67: Live testimony by technology audio or video-link
1 - in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 69, a Chamber may allow a witness to make oral testimony before the Chamber by communication technology of audio or video, provided that such technology could examine the witness at the time of his or her testimony by the prosecutor and the defense and the Chamber itself.
2 - questioned witness under this rule in accordance with the relevant rules in this chapter.
3 - The Chamber, with the assistance of the Registry, to be the place chosen to testify by interconnection technology of video or audio favorable to provide a certificate honest and clear and the safety of the witness and comfort, physical and psychological, dignity and privacy.
Rule 68: pre-recorded testimony
If you do not take Pre-Trial Chamber measures under Article 56, the Trial Chamber may allow, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 69, providing testimony previously recorded audio or video or the transcript or other documented evidence of such testimony, provided that:
(a) that both the Prosecutor and the defense had the opportunity to examine the witness during the recording certificate, in the case of non-appearance of the witness who gave Prior recorded testimony before the Trial Chamber; or
(b) no objection witness who gave testimony previously recorded to provide such a certificate, in the case of appearance This witness before the Trial Chamber, and the opportunity for the prosecutor and the defense and the Chamber, to examine the witness during the proceedings.
Rule 69: Agreement on evidence
Prosecutor may and defense may agree not to challenge the alleged fact, which contained in the charges or contents of a document or the expected testimony of a witness or other evidence, and therefore Chamber may consider such alleged incident installed, unless the circuit is required for the benefit of justice, particularly for the benefit of the victims, a more complete presentation of the alleged facts.
Rule 70: Principles of evidence in cases of sexual violence
In cases of sexual violence, guided by the court following principles and where appropriate, apply:
(a) can not be inferred the existence of satisfaction of any words or conduct of a victim if spoiled civil voluntary and genuine consent of the victim by the use of force or threat of force or coercion or exploitation of a coercive environment;
(b ) can not be inferred the existence of satisfaction of any words or conduct of a victim if incapable of giving genuine consent;
(c) does not constitute a Scott victim or lack of resistance to the conclusion that the violence alleged sexual;
(d) can not be inferred credibility victim or witness character or propensity to accept sex of the sexual nature of the prior or subsequent conduct of a victim or witness.
Rule 71: Evidence of other sexual conduct
In light of the definition and nature of the crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court, and subject to the provisions of paragraph 4 of Article 69, the Chamber shall not admit evidence of past sexual behavior or subsequent to the victim or witness.
Rule 72: camera procedure to consider the relevance or admissibility of evidence
1 - Where intention to introduce or elicit, including by questioning the victim or witness, that the victim consented to the alleged crime of sexual violence or evidence of the words victim or witness or behavior or silence or lack of resistance, as referred to in the principles (a) to (d) of Rule 70, provides notification to the Court which shall describe the substance of the evidence intended to be introduced or elicited and the relevance of the evidence issues in the case.
2 - In deciding whether relevant or admissible evidence referred to in paragraph 1 of rule Chamber shall hear in camera the views of the Prosecutor and the defense, the witness and the victim or his legal representative, if any, and take into account whether that evidence of sufficient probative value to a case and may prejudice that such evidence of damage, in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 69. For this purpose, the Chamber shall paragraph 3 of Article 21 and Articles 67 and 68. And guided by the principles (a) to (d) of Rule 70, particularly with regard to the proposed questioning of the victim.
3 - Where the Chamber determines that the evidence referred to in paragraph 2 of rule admissible in the proceedings, the Chamber shall in the specific purpose for which the evidence. In evaluating the evidence during the proceedings, the Chamber shall apply principles (a) to (d) of rule 70.
Rule 73: Privileged communications and information
1 - Without prejudice to paragraph 1 (b) of Article 67, communications made ​​in the context of the professional relationship between a person and his legal counsel confidentiality, and then not subject to disclosure unless:
(a) The person consents in writing to such disclosure;
(b) or revealed person voluntarily content of the communication to a third party, and that third party then gives evidence of that disclosure.
2 - having regard to the sub-rule 5 of Rule 63, communications made ​​in the context of a class of professional or other confidential relationships secret, and therefore not subject to disclosure, under the same terms contained in sub-rules 1 (a) and 1 (b) If the Chamber decides on that category as follows:
(a) Communications occurring within that class of relationship are made ​​in the course of a confidential relationship conducive to reasonable expectation of privacy and non-disclosure;
(b) Confidentiality is essential to the nature and type of relationship between the person and the confidant;
(c) Recognition of the privilege would further the objectives of the Statute and Rules.
3 -, the Court, when deciding under paragraph 2 of rule, special consideration for delivery privileged those communications made ​​in the context of the professional relationship between a person and his doctor, or a doctor who specializes in mental illness or doctor psychologist or a lawyer, especially communications relating to victims or covered or communication between a person and a clergy; recognizes the court in the latter case this privilege that took place in the context of a sacred confession where it is an integral part of the practice of that religion.
4 - The Court considers among the things covered by confidentiality of any information, documents or other evidence obtained by the ICRC during the performance of its functions or de performance under a systems Basic movement Cross and Red Crescent Societies International, and consequently not subject to disclosure, even if the testimony given by an administrator or current or former employee of the ICRC, unless:
(a) does not object to the ICRC in writing to such disclosure, after consultations in accordance with rule Sub-6, or waived this right; or
(b) if such information or documents or other evidence is contained in public statements and documents of ICRC.
5 - Nothing in paragraph 4 of rule affect the admissibility of the same evidence obtained from a source other than ICRC and its officials or employees if this source had obtained this evidence independently from the ICRC and its officials or employees;
6 - If the Court decides that the information of the Committee of the Red Cross or the documents or other evidence of great importance in a particular case , held consultations between the Court and the Committee of the Red Cross in order to resolve the matter by cooperative means, taking into account the circumstances of the case, the relevance of the evidence required, and if you can get this evidence from a source other than ICRC, the interests of justice and the victims, and perform the functions of the Court The International Committee of the Red Cross.
Rule 74: Self-incrimination by a witness
1 - unless witness has been notified pursuant to rule 190, the Chamber shall notify witness of the provisions of this rule before his or her testimony.
2 - when the court decides should be given to ensure the witness given regarding incrimination for himself, it shall provide the guarantees under subparagraph (h) of paragraph 3 of the base before the witness attends, either directly or pursuant to a request under paragraph (1) (e) of Article 93.
3 - (a) A witness may object to making any statement that would lead to the criminalization.
(b) Where the witness after receiving an assurance under paragraph 2 of rule, the Court may require the witness to answer the question or questions.
(c) in the case of other witnesses, the Chamber may require the witness to answer the question or questions, after assuring the witness that the evidence provided in response to the questions:
'1 'will remain confidential and will not be disclosed to the public or any State;
'2 'will not be used either directly or indirectly against that person in any subsequent prosecution by the Court, except under articles 70 and 71.
4 - before providing any guarantees explore the circle of its own opinion Attorney General to determine whether it should provide a guarantee for this particular witness.
5 - In determining whether the answer to require the witness, the Chamber shall consider:
(a) the importance of the anticipated evidence;
(b) If the witness would be unique evidence;
(c) the nature of possible self-incrimination, if known; and
(d) the adequacy of protection for the witness, in the particular circumstances.
6 - If the Chamber that it would be inappropriate to provide an assurance to this witness, not ask him to answer the question. If the Chamber determines not require the witness to answer, it may continue questioning the witness on other matters.
7 - to give effect to the assurance, the Chamber shall:
(a) Order that the evidence of the witness in closed session;
(b) order not to disclose identity of the witness or the content of the evidence presented in any way, and decides that the breach of any such order will be subject to punishment under Article 71;
(c) you specifically inform the plaintiff and the defendant, the defense counsel and the legal representative of the victim and any staff present the court the consequences of a breach of the order under subparagraph (b); and
(d) Order the sealing of records of the proceedings;
(e) protective measures with respect to any decision by the court to ensure the non-disclosure of the identity of witnesses or content of the evidence.
8 - Where the Prosecutor aware that the testimony any witness may raise issues relating to the criminalization of the witness himself, request an in camera hearing and advise the Chamber of this before the witness testifies. The Chamber may impose the measures outlined in paragraph 7 of the norm for the testimony of the witness in whole or in part.
9 - The accused, the defense counsel or the witness may advise the plaintiff or the Chamber that the testimony of a witness will raise issues of self-incrimination before the witness testifies and the Chamber to take the measures set forth in paragraph 7 of the base.
10 - If the question arose regarding incrimination to himself during the proceedings, circle stopped listening to the testimony and offer the opportunity to see this in order to get legal advice at the request of the purpose of the rule is applied.
Rule 75: Incrimination by family members
1 - A witness appearing before the court and who is a spouse or child or parent of an accused, it is not permissible to be required by the Department to make any statement that might tend to incriminate the accused. However, the witness may choose to make such a statement.
2 - when it works department to assess the testimony of a witness, may take into account that the witness, referred to in paragraph 1 of rule, objected to answering the question was intended to contradict a previous statement made by the witness, or the witness was selective in choosing which questions to answer.
Section 2: Disclosure
Rule 76: Pre-trial disclosure relating to prosecution witnesses
1 - The Attorney General shall submit to the defense the names of witnesses whom the prosecutor intends to call to testify and copies of statements made ​​by those witnesses. This is done before the start of the trial period sufficient to enable adequate preparation of the defense.
2 - the Prosecutor defense then the names of any witnesses and provide copies of their statements when the decision to call those witnesses.
3 - have statements of prosecution witnesses in its origins and a language understood by the accused and speaks .
4 - This rule is subject to the protection of victims and witnesses and their privacy, and the protection of confidential information as provided for in the statute and rules 81 and 82.
Rule 77: Inspection of material in the possession of the prosecutor or control
Allows the Attorney General to defend, subject to the limitations contained to detect evidence and stipulated in the Statute and in rules 81 and 82, to inspect any books, documents, photographs or tangible objects other in the possession of the prosecutor or control, are essential to prepare for the defense, or the Prosecutor intends used as evidence for the purposes of the confirmation hearing or at trial, as the case may be, or obtained from a person or belonged.
Rule 78: Inspection of material in possession or control of the defense
Defense allows the Prosecutor to inspect any books, documents, photographs or other material things in the possession or under the control of the defense intended for use by the defense as evidence for the purposes of the confirmation hearing or at trial.
Rule 79: disclosure of evidence by the defense
1 - The defense shall notify the Prosecutor of its intention to:
(a) provide evidence that there is no suspect in the crime scene; In this case the notification shall specify the place or places where the accused claims that he was present at the time of the alleged crime and the names of witnesses and any other evidence the accused intends to rely to prove not present at the crime scene; or
(b) Raise a ground for excluding criminal responsibility provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 31; In this case the notification shall specify the names of witnesses and any other evidence the accused intends to rely to establish the ground.
2 - with due regard to time limits set forth in other rules, should notification under paragraph 1 of the base before a sufficient period to enable the Prosecutor to prepare and respond adequately. The Chamber dealing with the matter may grant the Prosecutor an adjournment to address the issue raised by the defense.
3 - Failure of the defense to provide notice under this rule does not limit the right to raise matters referred to in paragraph 1 of rule and present evidence.
4 - do not prevent this rule one of the departments of ordering disclosure of any other evidence.
Rule 80: Procedures for raising a ground for excluding criminal responsibility under paragraph 3 of Article 31
1 - The defense shall notify both the Trial Chamber and the Prosecutor intends to raise a ground for excluding criminal responsibility under paragraph 3 of Article 31. This is done before the start of the trial period sufficient to enable the Prosecutor to prepare for trial thorough preparation.
2 - Following notice given under sub-rule 1 Trial Chamber shall hear the Prosecutor and the defense before deciding whether the defense can the reluctance of criminal responsibility.
3 - If the defense is permitted protest reason, the Trial Chamber may grant the Prosecutor deadline to prepare a response to a cause.
Rule 81: Restrictions on disclosure
1 - not subject to disclosure reports, memoranda or other internal documents prepared by a party, its assistants or representatives in connection with the investigation or preparation of the case.
2 - when the possession of the prosecutor or control materials or information must be disclosed in accordance with the Statute, but disclosure it may prejudice further or ongoing investigations, the Prosecutor may apply to the Chamber dealing with the matter for a ruling on whether or not should be disclosed to the defense of such material or information. The circuit hears one side on this issue. But the Prosecutor may not introduce such material or information into evidence during the confirmation hearing without prior disclosure to the accused properly.
3 - When the necessary measures to ensure the confidentiality of information has been taken in accordance with Articles 54, 57, 64, 72 and 93, and in accordance with article 68, in order to protect the safety of witnesses and victims and members of their families, does not disclose such information, except in accordance with these materials. In cases that could disclosure of such information the safety of witnesses at risk, Court shall take measures to inform the witness in advance.
4 - The Chamber dealing with the matter, on its own initiative or at the request of the public prosecutor, the accused or any State, the necessary steps to ensure the confidentiality information, in accordance with articles 54, 72 and 93, and to protect the safety of witnesses and victims and members of their families, in accordance with Article 68, in particular by allowing non-disclosure of their identity prior to the start of the trial.
5 - When you are in possession of the prosecutor or control materials or information was withheld under paragraph 5 of Article 68, may not be subsequently introduce such material or information into evidence during the confirmation hearing or the trial without prior disclosure to the accused properly.
6 - when in possession of the defense or control of material or information subject to disclosure, may, in circumstances similar to the conditions which allows the Prosecutor to rely on paragraph 5 of Article 68, is withheld and provide a summary of her instead. May not be subsequently introduce such material or information into evidence during the confirmation hearing or the trial without prior disclosure to the prosecutor properly.
Rule 82: Restrictions on disclosure of material and information protected under paragraph 3 (e) of Article 54
1 - When you are in possession of the prosecutor or control material or information which is protected under paragraph 3 (e) of Article 54, not the Prosecutor may subsequently introduce such material or information into evidence without the prior consent of the provider of the material or information and disclosure in advance of the accused properly.
2 - If the Prosecutor materials or information protected under paragraph 3 (e) of Article 54 as evidence, not the Chamber dealing with the matter to order that additional evidence received from the provider of initial material or information, as No Chamber may summon the provider or a representative with him as a witness or order their attendance in order to obtain such additional evidence itself.
3 - If the Prosecutor calls a witness to introduce in evidence any material or information protected under paragraph 3 (e) Article 54, may not be the Chamber dealing with the matter compel that witness to answer any question relating to material or information or its origin, if the witness declines to answer on grounds of confidentiality.
4 - does not affect the right of the accused to challenge evidence subject to protection under paragraph 3 (e) of Article 54 subject only to the limitations contained in paragraphs (2) and (3) of this rule.
5 - The Chamber dealing with the matter to order, at the request of the defense, and in the interest of justice, material or information in the possession of the accused, which has been provided to him under the same conditions contained in paragraph 3 (e) of Article 54, which will be presented as evidence, the provisions contained in paragraphs (f) and (g) and (h) of this rule, shall apply, mutatis mutandis.
Rule 83: Ruling on exculpatory evidence under paragraph 2 of Article 67
May be asked Attorney General as soon as possible to hold a hearing on an ex parte basis before the Chamber dealing with the matter in order to obtain a ruling under paragraph 2 of Article 67.
Rule 84: Disclosure and additional evidence for trial
To enable the parties to prepare for trial and to facilitate conduct of the proceedings fair and expeditious, the Trial Chamber shall, in accordance with paragraphs 3 (c) and (6) (d) of Article 64, paragraph (2) of Article 67, and subject to paragraph 5 of Article 68, the commands necessary the disclosure of documents and information not previously disclosed and the production of additional evidence. To avoid delay and to ensure that the trial start on time, including any such orders strict time limits kept under review by the Trial Chamber.
Section 3: Victims and witnesses
Subsection 1: Definition and general principle relating to victims

Rule 85: Definition of victims
For the purposes of the Statute and Rules of Procedure and Evidence:
(a) shows the word "victims" natural persons affected by the commission of any crime within the jurisdiction of the court;
(b) may include the word "victim" organizations or institutions that have sustained direct harm to any of property dedicated to religion, education, art or science or charitable purposes, and monuments, hospitals and other places and objects for humanitarian purposes.
Rule 86: The general principle
Chamber shall, when issuing any direction or order, as organs of the other court, in performing their functions under the Statute or Rules, the needs of all victims and witnesses in accordance with article 68, and in particular the needs of children and the elderly, the disabled and victims of sexual violence or violence based on gender.
Subsection 2: the protection of victims and witnesses
Rule 87: protection measures
1 - the Chamber may, at the request of the public prosecutor or the defense or a witness or a victim or his legal representative, if any, or on their own, and after consultation with the Victims and Witnesses Unit, as appropriate, to order measures to protect a victim or witness or anyone else at risk as a result of testimony given by a witness pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 68. The Chamber shall seek, whenever possible, to get the consent of the person required to take protective measures for it prior to ordering these measures.
2 - subject any motion or request under sub-rule 1 of the provisions of Rule 134 provided that:
(a) not be application is submitted by one party;
(b) that all of the Prosecutor and the defense of any request by a witness or victim or his legal representative, if any, shall be made ​​available each opportunity to respond;
(c) requires that any motion or request affecting a particular witness or victim shall be served on that witness or victim or her legal representative, if any, in addition to the other party, and have each of them the opportunity to respond;
(d) When the Chamber of protective measures on their own, a so Prosecutor and the defense to any witness or victim may be affected by these measures of protection or her legal representative, if any, and each of whom shall have the opportunity to respond to them;
(e) may make a request or petition sealed, and remains in the request as such sealed until otherwise ordered by a circle. The seal shall also be responses to requests or petitions sealed;
3 - Chamber may hold a hearing on a motion or request under sub-rule 1 and be this meeting a secret report that should have been it take measures to prevent disclosure publicly to the public or to the press and media agencies about the identity of the victim witness or other person at risk on account of testimony given by a witness or for the location of any of them, and by ordering them:
(a) That the name of the victim, a witness or another person at risk on account of testimony given by a witness, or any information which could lead to know the identity of any of them from the public records of the Chamber;
(b) to prevent the prosecution or the defense or any other participant in the proceedings from disclosing such information to a third party;
(c) to provide certificate by electronic means or means other special including the use of means technical which enables the modification of image or audio, and use of technology visual audio, (particularly conferences held across screens and CCTV), and use of the media sound exclusively;
(d) that a pseudonym be used for a victim or witness or any other person at risk because of testimony given by a witness;
(e) that the Chamber conduct part of its proceedings in secret session.
Rule 88: Special Measures
1 - a Chamber may, upon application by the prosecutor or the defense, or a witness or a victim or his legal representative, if any, or on their own, and after consultation with the Victims and Witnesses Unit, as appropriate, taking into account the views of the victim or witness, order special measures include, for example, but not limited to, measures to facilitate the testimony of victims or witnesses traumatized, or a child or an elderly person or a victim of sexual violence, pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 68. The Chamber shall seek consent of the person who makes the procedure sought prior to ordering this action.
2 - Chamber may hold a hearing on a request under sub-rule 1 camera or unilaterally if necessary, to determine whether to take any special measures include, For example, and not as a limitation, it allow the presence of counsel or a legal representative or a psychologist or a family member during the testimony of the victim or the witness.
3 - for applications filed under the provisions of this rule, the provisions contained in sub-rules 2 (b) to (d) of Rule 87 shall apply, mutatis mutandis.
4 - application may be submitted under this rule sealed, and in this case remain sealed until otherwise ordered by a circle. Any responses to petitions and requests sealed Filed seal.
5 - taking into account that may result from violation of privacy of a witness or victim of a threat to his safety, keen circuit to control the manner of questioning a witness or victim to avoid any harassment or intimidation, with special attention attacks on victims of crimes of sexual violence.
Subsection 3: participation of victims in the proceedings
Rule 89: Application for participation of victims in the proceedings
1 - The victims, in order to present their views and concerns to submit a written request to the Registrar, who shall transmit the request to the appropriate department. And subject to the provisions of the Statute, in particular paragraph 1 of Article 68, the Registrar shall provide a copy of the application to the Prosecutor and the defense, who is entitled to reply within a deadline set by the Chamber. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 2 of this rule, the Chamber shall then specify the proceedings and manner in which participation is considered appropriate and which may include making opening and closing statements.
2 - Chamber may, on its own or at the request of the prosecutor or the defense, may reject the application if it considers that the person is not a victim or that the criteria set forth in paragraph 3 of Article 68 are not met. A victim who refused his request to file a new application at a later stage of the proceedings.
3 - may also submit the application referred to in this rule a person acting with the consent of the victim, or a person acting on behalf of the victim, if the victim is a child, or when appropriate, if disabled.
4 - Where there are a number of applications, the Chamber may consider such requests to ensure the effectiveness of the procedures, and it may issue one decision.
Rule 90: Legal representatives of victims
1 - leave the victim freedom to choose a legal representative.
2 - If there are a number of victims, the Chamber may, to ensure the effectiveness of the procedures, the victims or particular groups of victims, with the assistance of the Registry, if necessary, to choose a common legal representative or legal representatives subscribers . To facilitate the coordination of victim representation, the Registry may provide assistance, inter alia, to provide victims with a list maintained by the Registry, or to propose a common legal representative or more.
3 - and if victims are unable to choose a common legal representative or representatives within a time limit that the Chamber may decide , the Chamber may request the Registrar to choose a legal representative of one or more.
4 - The Chamber and the Registry all reasonable steps to ensure that in the selection of common legal representatives, the distinct interests of the victims, particularly as provided for in Paragraph 1 of Article 68, and to avoid any conflict of interest.
5 - A victim or group of victims who lack the resources to pay a common legal representative chosen by the Court, to receive assistance from the Registry, including financial assistance, if necessary.
6 - must that meets the legal representative of the victim or victims of the qualifications prescribed in paragraph 1 of Rule 22.
Rule 91: Participation of legal representatives in the proceedings
1 - The Chamber may modify a previous ruling under rule 89.
2 - right to the victim's legal representative to attend and participate in the proceedings in accordance with the conditions contained in the judgment of the Chamber, and any modification thereof given under rules 89 and 90. This includes participation in the hearings, unless the department concerned, because of the circumstances of the case, be limited to the representative's intervention on the written observations or data. And allows the Prosecutor and the defense to respond to any oral or written observation by the legal representative of the victims.
3 - (a) When a legal representative attends and participates in accordance with this rule and wishes to question a witness, including questioning under rules 67 and 68, an expert or the accused, it must submit a request to the Chamber. The Department may require the legal representative to provide a written note of the questions and in this case the questions to the Attorney General and, if necessary, to the defense, who allowed to make what observations within a time limit set by the Chamber;
(b) issued Chamber shall then rule on demand takes into account the stage of the proceedings, and the rights of the accused, and the interests of the witness, and the need for a fair trial, fair and fast in order to enforce paragraph 3 of Article 68. The ruling may include directions on the manner and order of the questions, and provide documentation in accordance with the powers of the Chamber under Article 64. The Chamber may put the question to the witness, expert or accused on behalf of the legal representative of the victim, if it considers that there are so require.
4 - For a hearing limited to the issue of reparations under Article 75, does not apply to restrictions on questioning by the Representative legal and set out in paragraph 2 of rule. In that case, the legal representative may, with the permission of the department concerned, question witnesses and experts and the person concerned.
Rule 92: Notification to victims and their legal representatives
1 - apply this rule on notification of victims and legal representatives of the victims on all proceedings before the court, except in proceedings provided for in Part 2.
2 - The court, in order to allow victims to apply for participation in the proceedings in accordance with rule 89, to notify victims concerning the decision Prosecutor not to initiate an investigation or not to prosecute pursuant to article 53. This notification shall be given to the victims or their legal representatives who have already participated in the proceedings or, as far as possible, to those who have communicated with the Court regarding the situation or case in question. The Chamber may order the measures set out in paragraph 8 of the base. If it considers it appropriate in the particular circumstances.
3 - The court, in order to enable the victims to apply for participation in the proceedings in accordance with rule 89, to notify victims regarding its decision to hold a hearing to confirm charges pursuant to article 61. Such a notification shall to the victims or their legal representatives who have already participated in the proceedings or, as far as possible, to those who had contact with the Court in respect of the case.
4 - When a notification for participation as provided for in sub-rules 2 and 3, any subsequent notification as referred to in sub-rules 5 and 6 shall only be given to victims or their legal representatives who may participate in the proceedings in accordance with a decision of the Chamber pursuant to rule 89 and any modification thereof.
5 - The Registrar, in a timely manner, and on manner consistent with the ruling made ​​under rules 89 to 91, to notify victims or their legal representatives participating in the proceedings shall, in respect of those proceedings:
(a) proceedings before the Court, including the dates of the hearings and any postponements thereof, and the date of delivery governance;
(b) applications, data and motions and other documents relating to such applications, submissions or motions.
6 - when the victims or their legal representatives have participated in a certain stage of the proceedings, the Registrar shall notify them as soon as possible decisions of the Court in those proceedings.
7 - Notifications as referred to in sub-rules 5 and 6 shall be in writing, or in any other form as may be appropriate when the written notification is not possible. The Registry maintains a record of all notifications. And, where appropriate, the Registrar may seek the cooperation of States Parties in accordance with paragraph 1 (d) and (l) of Article 93.
8 - notification as referred to in paragraph 3 of the base, and otherwise at the request of the department, the Registrar shall take the necessary measures Advertise on actions as appropriate. The Registrar may, when doing so, the request for cooperation, in accordance with section 9, of the States Parties concerned, and request assistance from intergovernmental organizations.
Rule 93: the views of the victims or their legal representatives
Chamber may seek the views of the victims or their legal representatives participating pursuant to rules 89 to 91 on any matter relating to, inter alia, the matters referred to in rules 107, 109, 125, 128, 136, 139 and 191. The Chamber addition, seek the views of other victims, as appropriate.
Subsection 4: reparations to victims
Rule 94: Proceedings at the request
1 - A victim's request for reparations under Article 75 of the Statute in writing and filed with the Registrar. The request shall contain the following details:
(a) the applicant's identity and address;
(b) description of the injury, loss or damage;
(c) The location and date of the incident and to the extent possible, the identity of the person or persons the victim believes to be responsible for injury, loss or damage;
(d) a description of the assets, property or other material things, when prompted them;
(e) Claims for compensation;
(f) claims for other forms of remedy;
(g) To the extent possible, any supporting documents relevant, including names and addresses of witnesses.
2 - ask the court to the Registrar, at the beginning of the trial and subject to any protective measures, notify the applicant of the person or persons named in it or in the charges and, to the extent possible all interested persons or countries. Those notified shall file any statement made ​​under paragraph 3 of Article 75 in the Registry of the Court.
Rule 95: Proceedings at the request of the Court
1 - in cases where the Court to proceed on its own initiative and in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 75, requests the Registrar to provide notification of its intention of the person or persons who Court is considering making a determination, and to the extent possible, to victims, interested persons or countries. Those notified shall file any statement made ​​under paragraph 3 of Article 75 of the Registry.
2 - As a result of the notification under paragraph 1 of Rule:
(a) If the victim request for reparations, it ruled on his This also brought under rule 94;
( b) if the victim requests that the court not to issue an order for reparations, they do not make an individual order in relation to that of the victim.
Rule 96: Publication of reparation proceedings
1 - without prejudice to any other rules on notification, the Registrar shall, when possible, notify the victims or their legal representatives or the person or persons concerned. The Registrar shall also all the necessary measures to give adequate for the reparation proceedings before the court to notify the victims as much as possible or their legal representatives of interested persons or countries, and take into account any information provided by the Prosecutor.
2 - the measures outlined in paragraph 1 From the base, the court may seek, in accordance with Part 9, the cooperation of the States Parties concerned, assistance of intergovernmental organizations to advertise adequately, as widely and all possible means for the reparation proceedings before the court.
Rule 97: Assessment of reparations
1 - the Court may award reparations on an individual basis or collectively or both it deems it appropriate, taking into account the scope and extent of any damage, loss or injury.
2 - the court to appoint, at the request of the victims or their legal representatives, or at the request of the person convicted, or on its own initiative, qualified experts to help determine the scope and extent of any damage, loss or injury suffered by the victims or their concerned and to suggest various options concerning the appropriate types of reparation and repair methods. And invites the Court, if necessary, the victims or their legal representatives, or the convicted person as well as all of the interested persons and States to make observations on the reports of the experts.
3 - respects the Court in all cases, the rights of victims and the convicted person.
Rule 98: Trust Fund
1 - Verdicts individual reparations against a convicted person directly.
2 - the court may order that deposited with the Trust Fund an award for reparations against a convicted person, when it is impossible or impracticable to make individual awards directly to each victim. The amount of reparations thus deposited in the trust fund separate from each Fund's resources other offers to each victim as soon as possible.
3 - the court may be issued against a convicted person a reparation order through the Trust Fund when it is appropriate to make a judgment collective reparations Given the number of victims and the scope of reparation, forms and modalities.
4 - The Court may, after consultations with the countries concerned and the Trust Fund, order that forced through the Trust Fund to an intergovernmental organization or international organization or national organization approved by the Trust Fund.
5 - may be used other resources of the Trust Fund for the benefit of victims subject to the provisions of Article 79.
Rule 99: Cooperation and protective measures for the purpose of forfeiture under paragraph 3 (e) of Article 57, paragraph 4 of Article 75
1 - Trial Chamber may pursuant to paragraph 3 (e) of Article 57 or the Trial Chamber, pursuant to paragraph 4 of Article 75, on its own motion or at the request of the Prosecutor or request of victims or their legal representatives who have made ​​a request for reparations or pledged surrender to decide whether measures should be requested.
2 - Notice is not required unless the Court decides, in the particular circumstances of the case, that notification would not jeopardize the effectiveness of the measures required. In this case, the Registrar shall the person against whom the application procedures as to the extent possible all of the interested persons or countries.
3 - If an order is made ​​without prior notification, the department concerned shall request the Registrar, as quickly as required by the effectiveness of the measures required to notify the against whom a request is made ​​and, to the extent possible, each of the interested persons or countries, and invite them to submit observations on whether it should be revoked or otherwise modified.
4 - The Court may issue orders on the timing and conduct of any proceedings necessary to determine these issues .
Section 4: Miscellaneous provisions of
Rule 100: Place of meetings
1 - The Court may at a particular case that decide to sit in a State other than the host country, if it deems it would be in the interests of justice.
2 - may make a request or recommendation changing venue court at any time after the commencement of an investigation, either by the Prosecutor or Defense or a majority of the judges of the Court. And directs this request or recommendation to the Presidency. As submitted in writing and specify in which State Court would sit. And make sure the presidency of the views of the concerned Chamber.
3 - The Presidency shall consult the State where the Court intends to sit. If approved that State to the Court, the decision taken by the judges of the Court in a State other than the host in a plenary session and a two-thirds majority.
Rule 101: timelines
1 - the Court shall have issued any order setting time limits on the conduct of the proceedings, the need to facilitate the proceedings fairly and promptly, with particular regard to the rights of the defense and the victims.
2 - taking into account the rights of the accused, especially those provided for in paragraph 1 (c) Article 67, all those participating in the proceedings, to whom any order, to work as quickly as possible, within the time limit upon a court order.
Rule 102: testimonies nonlinear
If a person is unable, because of a disability or literacy, to submit to the court a written request or application, observation or other statements, it may be for that person to make such request, demand or observation or communication audio, video or other electronic forms.
Rule 103: Friends of the Court and other forms of testimony
1 - The Department may, at any stage of the proceedings, invite or grant leave to a State, organization or person to submit written comments or oral on any subject Chamber deems appropriate, if it deems it desirable to separate the issue properly.
2 - The Prosecutor and defense the opportunity to respond to comments submitted under paragraph 1 of the base.
3 - deposit written observation submitted under paragraph 1 of rule with the Registrar, who shall provide copies to the public prosecutor and the defense. The Chamber shall time limits which apply to the filing of observations like this.
Chapter 5: Investigation and Prosecution
Section 1: Attorney General's decision on the initiation of an investigation under paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 53

Rule 104: Evaluation of information by Attorney General
1 - When acting under paragraph 1 of Article 53, the Prosecutor in evaluating the information provided to analyze the seriousness of this information.
2 - For the purposes of paragraph 1 of rule, the Prosecutor may request additional information from States, organs of the United Nations, or intergovernmental organizations or non-governmental organizations, or other reliable sources that it deems appropriate, and may receive a written or oral testimony at the seat of the Court. And apply the procedure contained in Rule 47 to receive this certification.
Rule 105: Notification of a decision by the Prosecutor not to initiate an investigation
1 - When the Prosecutor decides not to initiate an investigation under paragraph 1 of Article 53, notify, in writing as soon as possible, the State or States that referred a situation under Article 14, or the Security Council if the situation covered by the provisions of paragraph (b) Article 13.
2 - When the Prosecutor decides not to apply to the Trial Chamber for authorization of an investigation, rule 49 shall apply.
3 - includes the notification referred to in paragraph 1 of rule prosecutor's decision and the reasons for the conclusion that decision, taking into account Paragraph 1 of Article 68.
4 - In the event that the public prosecutor decided not to conduct an investigation solely on the basis of paragraph 1 (c) of Article 53, it shall notify the Pre-Trial Chamber in writing as soon as possible, after the adoption of the resolution.
5 - The notification shall include the Prosecutor and a statement of the reasons for the conclusion.
Rule 106: Notification of the Attorney-General's decision not to prosecute
1 - When the Prosecutor decides there is no sufficient basis for prosecution under paragraph 2 of Article 53, shall notify the Pre-Trial Chamber in writing as soon as possible, as well as the State or States that referred a situation under Article 14, or the Security Council if the case is covered by paragraph ( b) of Article 13.
2 - The notifications referred to in paragraph 1 of Rule prosecutor's decision, and the reasons for the conclusion of that resolution, taking into account paragraph 1 of Article 68.
Section 2: The procedure under paragraph 3 of Article 53
Rule 107: Request for review under paragraph 3 (a) of Article 53
1 - to reconsider the decision by the Prosecutor not to initiate an investigation or not to prosecute, provides a written request enhanced reasons, under paragraph 3 of Article 53, and within 90 days of the notification given under Rule 105 or Rule 106.
2 - The Chamber preliminary request to the Attorney-General to transmit the in possession of the information or documents or summaries thereof, that the Chamber considers necessary to reconsider.
3 - Trial Chamber shall take the necessary measures under articles 54, 72 and 93 to protect the information and documents referred to in paragraph 2 To protect the safety of witnesses and victims and their family members under paragraph 5 of Article 68.
4 - When a State or the Security Council a request referred to in paragraph 1 of rule, Pre-Trial Chamber may seek further observations from them.
5 - Where an issue jurisdiction or admissibility of the case, Rule 59 shall apply.
Rule 108: Pre-Trial Chamber's decision under paragraph 3 (a) of Article 53
1 - Pre-Trial Chamber decision, under paragraph 3 (a) of Article 53, a majority of its judges, and be a reasoned decision. And notify all those who participated in the review.
2 - if requested by Pre-Trial Chamber to the Attorney General to reconsider, in part or in full, in the decision not to initiate an investigation or not prosecution, it reconsider that decision as soon as possible.
3 - When the Prosecutor has taken a final decision, notify the Pre-Trial Chamber in writing. This notification shall contain the conclusion of the Attorney General, and the reasons that led to this outcome. And shall be communicated to all those who participated in the review.
Rule 109: reconsideration of the Pre-Trial Chamber under paragraph 3 (b) of Article 53
1 - Pre-Trial Chamber may within 180 days after notice given under Rule 105 or 106 to reconsider its own initiative in the decision by the Prosecutor under paragraph 1 (c) or paragraph 2 (c) of Article 53 only. And notify the Pre-Trial Chamber of the Prosecutor intends to reconsider its decision and shall establish a time limit to make observations and other material.
2 - in cases where the State or the Security Council makes a request for Pre-Trial Chamber, notify the State or the Council so as well and may submit observations in accordance with rule 107.
Rule 110: Pre-Trial Chamber's decision in accordance with paragraph 3 (b) of Article 53
1 - Trial Chamber shall take a majority of its judges decision about whether to leave or not to leave the decision taken by the Attorney General under paragraph 1 (c) or 2 (c) of Article 53, and the decision is justified. And shall be communicated to all those who participated in the review.
2 - when they do not allow the Pre-Trial Chamber of the Prosecutor under paragraph 1 of rule, he or she shall proceed in the investigation and prosecution.
Section 3: Collection of evidence
Rule 111: Minutes of questioning in general
1 - A record shall be made ​​official statements made ​​by any person who is being questioned in connection with an investigation or judicial proceedings. The record shall be signed records and conducts the questioning, and the person questioned and his or her counsel, and the prosecutor or judge present, where applicable. And recorded in the record date interrogation, time and place, and the names of all persons present during the Weedon record also noted when someone signing and the reasons for it.
2 - When the Prosecutor or national authorities question a person, should be given due regard to article 55. Shall be noted in the record that the person is informed of his or her rights under paragraph 2 of Article 55, after being told this information.
Rule 112: Recording of questioning in special cases
1 - When Prosecutor questions a person in case they apply where paragraph 2 of Article 55, or has been issued warrant of arrest or a summons under paragraph 7 of Article 58, recorded or video, according to the following procedure:
(a) a the person questioned, in a language he understands and speaks, that the questioning is audio or video, and it can object to it if he wants. And noted in the record that this information has been provided and the recorded answer of the person concerned. The person may, before answering, to consult privately with his lawyer. If the person questioned refuses audio-or video, follow the procedure outlined in Rule 111;
(b) A waiver of the right to be questioned in the presence of a lawyer, writing and recorded, audio or video, if possible;
(c) in the event of an interruption during interrogation , recorded a reality and time to stop before the end of the audio recording or video recording, also records the time of resumption of the questioning;
(d) At the conclusion of the questioning, the person questioned shall be an opportunity to clarify anything he said, or add anything you want to add. The time of conclusion of the questioning;
(e) reproduces the contents of the tape as soon as possible after the conclusion of the questioning, and given a copy to the person questioned, with a copy of the tape, or a tape recorded the original, if you use a recording device multi-straps;
(f) The Ring on the tape original or a original tapes in the presence of the person questioned and his lawyer, if present, and signed by the Attorney General and the person questioned and his lawyer, if present.
2 - Prosecutor shall make every reasonable effort to record the questioning in accordance with sub-rule 1. And may, exceptionally, questioning the person without registration or video when circumstances prevent such recording. In this case, remember writing the reasons for not recording and follow the procedure set out in rule 111.
3 - in the case of non-registration or video pursuant to paragraph 1 (a) or rule 2, provides for the person questioned a copy of his statement.
4 - may see Attorney General to follow the procedure set out in this rule when questioning persons than those mentioned in paragraph 1 of rule and especially where may help to follow these procedures to minimize any harm may suffer later the victim of sexual or gender violence, a child or a person with disabilities in providing their evidence. The Prosecutor may submit a request to the competent department.
5 - Trial Chamber may, pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 56, order that the procedure set out in this rule to the questioning of any person.
Rule 113: Collection of information regarding the state of health of the person concerned
1 - Pre-Trial Chamber may, on its own initiative or at the request of the Attorney General or the person concerned or his lawyer, order that a person having the rights set out in paragraph 2 of Article 55 of the medical examination, psychological or psychiatric. And consider Pre-Trial Chamber has taken this decision in the nature of the examination and its purpose, and whether the person consents to the examination.
2 - appoint Pre-Trial Chamber or more experts from the list of experts approved by the Registrar, or an expert approved by Pre-Trial Chamber at the request of one of the parties.
Rule 114: investigative opportunity will not be repeated under Article 56
1 - When you receive a Pre-Trial Chamber notification from the Attorney General in accordance with paragraph 1 (a) of Article 56, shall hold consultations without delay, with the Attorney General, and without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 1 (c) of Article 56, with the person who is arrested or appear in court pursuant to a summons, with his lawyer, to determine the measures to be taken and their implementation modalities, which could include measures to ensure the protection of the right to communicate under paragraph 1 (b) of Article 67.
2 - should be the decision Pre-Trial Chamber to take measures pursuant to paragraph 3 of Article 56, the consent of a majority of its judges after consultation with the Attorney General. The Prosecutor may During the consultations, the Pre-Trial Chamber that the planned measures could jeopardize the investigation.
Rule 115: the collection of evidence in the territory of a State Party under paragraph 3 (d) of Article 57
1 - If the Prosecutor considers that paragraph 3 (d) of Article 57 applies, he may submit a written request to the Pre-Trial Chamber for authorization to take certain measures in the territory of the State party concerned. Following the submission of such a request, the Pre-Trial Chamber, whenever possible, inform the State Party concerned and request opinions from them.
2 - sensitive Pre-Trial Chamber, in order to reach a decision on the validity of the basis for the request, any views expressed by the State party concerned. The Trial Chamber may decide to hold a hearing on its own initiative or at the request of the Prosecutor or the State party concerned.
3 - An authorization under paragraph 3 (d) of Article 57 on the form of an order, with reasons and on the basis of the criteria set out in that paragraph. The order may specify the procedures to be followed in carrying out the collection of evidence.
Rule 116: the collection of evidence at the request of the defense under paragraph 3 (b) of Article 57
1 - issued Pre-Trial Chamber order or seek cooperation under paragraph 3 (b) of Article 57, if it finds that:
(a) that this would facilitate the collection of evidence that may be material to the proper determination of the issues being adjudicated, or to the last the proper preparation of the person's defense;
(b) that it was, in the case of cooperation, under section 9, provide sufficient information to comply with paragraph 2 of Article 96.
2 - Pre-Trial Chamber to seek views of the Prosecutor before deciding on an order or seek cooperation under Paragraph 3 (b) of Article 57.
Section 4: Procedures relating to restriction of liberty or deprivation of
rule 117: Detention in the State of arrested person
1 - Court shall take measures to ensure informed of the arrest of the person in response to a request from the Court under Article 89 or Article 92. The Court shall ensure, when so informed, that person receives a copy of the arrest warrant issued by the Pre-Trial Chamber under Article 58 or any relevant provisions of the statute. And documents shall be made ​​available in a language the person fully understands and speaks well.
2 - Any person required, at any time after his arrest, may submit an application to the Pre-Trial Chamber for the appointment of counsel to assist in the proceedings before the Court. The Pre-Trial Chamber shall decide on the application.
3 - A challenge in the warrant of arrest was properly issued in accordance with paragraph 1 (a) and (b) of Article 58, in writing to the Pre-Trial Chamber. The application shall set out the basis for the challenge. Trial Chamber shall take, after receiving the views of the Attorney General, a decision on the application without delay.
4 - When the competent authority of the custodial State shall notify the Pre-Trial that the arrested person has applied for his release, in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 59, provides Pre-Trial Chamber recommendations in within the time period set by the custodial state.
5 - When you inform the Pre-Trial Chamber granted by the competent authority in the custodial State for interim release of the person concerned, the Pre-Trial Chamber shall inform the custodial state how and when to receive periodic reports on the status of the interim release.
Rule 118: detention at the headquarters of the court before trial
1 - If the person who surrendered to the Court an initial request for interim release pending trial, either after the first appearance in accordance with rule 121 or later so, Trial Chamber shall decide the request without delay after seeking the views of the Prosecutor.
2 - review the Pre-Trial , each at least 120 days, ruling on the release of the person concerned or detained in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 60 and may do so at any time at the request of the person concerned or the Prosecutor.
3 - After the first appearance, it must be asked to release Provisional writing. The Attorney General shall notify this request. The Pre-Trial Chamber shall take their decision after receiving written observations of the Prosecutor and the person detained. The Trial Chamber may decide to hold a hearing at the request of the Prosecutor or the detained person or on its own initiative. The hearing must be held at least once every year.
Rule 119: parole
1 - Trial Chamber may set one or more of the conditions restricting liberty, including the following:
(a) does not exceed the person concerned territorial limits set by Pre-Trial Chamber and without the explicit agreement;
(b) person must not go to certain places or associate with people designated by Pre-Trial Chamber;
(c) is not connected to the person concerned to victims and witnesses directly or indirectly;
(d) person must not engage in certain professional activities;
(e) The person must reside at a particular address determined by the Pre-Trial;
(f) and must respond the person concerned when summoned by an authority or qualified person designated by the Pre-Trial;
(g) and person must post bond or provide a guarantee or ensure real or personal determine Pre-Trial Chamber amount and the schedule and methods of payment;
(h) The person must supply the Registrar all documents proving his identity, particularly his passport.
2 - Trial Chamber may be amended at any time, at the request of the person concerned or the Prosecutor or on its own initiative, the conditions set pursuant to paragraph 1 of rule.
3 - seek Pre-Trial Chamber, before the imposition of any restrictive conditions Freedom or modified, the Prosecutor and the person concerned and any country relevant, as well as victims who contact the court in that case and who Chamber considers that they may be exposed to risks as a result of the release of the accused or the conditions imposed.
4 - if it is satisfied Pre-Trial Chamber that the person concerned did not respect a obligations imposed on it or a number of them, it may, on this basis, and at the request of the Prosecutor or on its own initiative, issued a warrant of arrest.
5 - If Pre-Trial Chamber a summons to appear under paragraph 7 of Article 58, and want to impose conditions restricting liberty , it shall ascertain the relevant provisions in the national legislation of the State receiving the request. The Pre-Trial Chamber under sub-rules 1, 2 and 3 in a manner consistent with the national legislation of the State receiving the request. If Pre-Trial Chamber has received information that the person concerned did not comply with the conditions imposed, it operates according to sub-rule 4.
Rule 120: instruments of restraint
Do not use instruments of restraint only as a precautionary measure to prevent escape, or to protect the person in the custody of the Court or otherwise, or for other security reasons, and shall be removed when the accused appears before a Chamber.
Section 5: Procedures relating to the confirmation of charges under article 61
Rule 121: previous procedures for the confirmation hearing
1 - A person subject to a warrant of arrest or a summons to appear under Article 58 before the Pre-Trial Chamber as soon as he arrived to the court, and the presence of the Prosecutor. And subject to the provisions of Articles 60 and 61, a person shall enjoy the rights provided for in Article 67. In this first appearance, the Pre-Trial Chamber determines the date on which it intends to hold a hearing to confirm the charges. It shall ensure that it has announced this date, and Tageladtha potential according to sub-rule 7.
2 - Trial Chamber shall take in accordance with paragraph 3 in Article 61, the necessary decisions regarding disclosure between the Prosecutor and the person concerned, who issued warrant of arrest or attendance. And may in the process of detection:
(a) The person concerned to help by a lawyer of his choice, or to be represented by that lawyer, or by counsel assigned to him;
(b) to hold Pre-Trial Chamber hearings conferences to ensure that disclosure is in satisfactory conditions. And being in each case set Pre-Trial Judge to organize such conferences, on his own initiative or at the request of the Attorney General or the person;
(c) sent to the Pre-Trial Chamber all evidence disclosed between the Prosecutor and the person for the purposes of the confirmation hearing.
3 - The Prosecutor General Pre-Trial Chamber and the person, in a maximum period of 30 days before the date of the confirmation hearing, a detailed statement of the charges together to list of evidence that it intends to present at the hearing.
4 - If the Prosecutor intends to amend the charges in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 61, it shall notify the Pre-Trial Chamber and the person before the hearing no later than 15 days amended charges together a list of evidence that the Prosecutor intends to bring in support of those charges at the hearing.
5 - If the Prosecutor intends to present new evidence at the hearing, he offers Pre-Trial Chamber and the person list that evidence no later than 15 days before the date of the hearing.
6 - If a person intends to present evidence under paragraph 6 of Article 61, it offers a list of that evidence to the Pre-Trial Chamber prior to the date of the hearing not later than 15 days. The Pre-Trial Chamber shall transmit the list to the Prosecutor without delay. The person concerned shall provide a list of evidence that she intends to present a response to any changes in charges or a new list of evidence presented by the Prosecutor.
7 - The Prosecutor and the person may request the Pre-Trial Chamber to postpone the date of the confirmation hearing, and Trial Chamber may also move from For its part, decide to postpone the hearing.
8 - acted Pre-Trial Chamber consideration charges and evidence presented after the time limit, or any extension thereof.
9 - The Prosecutor and the person may submit to the Pre-Trial Chamber written submissions, on points of fact and on law, including grounds for excluding criminal responsibility provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 31, and before the date of the hearing no later than three days. And shall be transmitted immediately a copy of these conclusions to the prosecutor and to the person concerned, as the case may be.
10 - The Registry shall create a full and accurate record of all proceedings before the Pre-Trial Chamber is retained and the file, including all documents transmitted to the Chamber pursuant to this rule. Subject to any restrictions concerning confidentiality and the protection of national security information, may be consulted by the Prosecutor and the person concerned and the victims or their legal representatives participating in the proceedings pursuant to rules 89 to 91.
Rule 122: procedures for the confirmation hearing in the presence of the accused
1 - Chairman of the Pre-Trial Chamber requests to the officer of the Registry assisting the Chamber, to read out the charges as presented by the prosecutor. It then identifies ways conduct the hearing and determine particular arrangement, and the conditions under which intends to present the evidence contained in the record of the proceedings.
2 - If a question or objection concerning jurisdiction or admissibility, rule 58 applies.
3 - Before considering the merits, asked the head of the preliminary to the Attorney General and to the person concerned, whether they intend to raise objections or make observations on the issue of health-related issues proceedings before the confirmation hearing;
4 - may not raise objections or make observations made ​​under sub-rule 3 again at any a later stage when confirmation proceedings.
5 - if submitted objections or observations referred to in paragraph 3 of the base, the Trial Chamber shall invite the persons referred to in sub-rule 3 to present their arguments in the order determined by, and be the person the right of reply.
6 - If the objections raised or observations made ​​are those referred to in sub-rule 3 Trial Chamber shall decide whether to join the issue raised with the examination of the charges and the evidence or to separate them, and in this case adjourn the confirmation hearing and render a decision on the issues raised.
7 - During the hearing on the merits, the Prosecutor and the person shall present their arguments in accordance with paragraphs (5) and (6) of Article 61.
8 - allows Pre-Trial Chamber of the Prosecutor and the person, in accordance with this order, to make concluding remarks.
9 - subject to the provisions of Article 61, Article 69 shall apply on the confirmation hearings, taking into account mutatis mutandis.
Rule 123: Measures taken to ensure the presence of the person on the confirmation hearing
1 - If Pre-Trial Chamber a person by the warrant of arrest or summons, under paragraph 7 of Article 58, and the person is arrested or served with the summons, sure Pre-Trial Chamber of the person is notified of the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 61.
2 - Trial Chamber may make consultations with the Prosecutor, at his request or on its own initiative, to determine whether it was possible to hold a hearing to confirm the charges, subject to the conditions set forth in paragraph 2 (b) of Article 61. In the case of counsel known to the court with the person concerned, consultations are taking place with his presence unless the Trial Chamber otherwise.
3 - must Pre-Trial Chamber to make sure to order the arrest of the person concerned, in the case of non-implementation of this in a reasonable period from the date of issuance, to be sure to take all reasonable measures to determine the whereabouts of this person and arrest him.
Rule 124: the waiver of the right to be present at the confirmation hearing
1 - if the person concerned is available to the Court but wishes to waive his right to attend the confirmation hearing, it submit a written request to the Pre-Trial Chamber, which may then hold consultations with the Prosecutor and the person concerned, who was accompanied by his lawyer or his representative.
2 - Do not hold a hearing to confirm the charges pursuant to paragraph 2 (a) of Article 61, unless the Trial Chamber is satisfied that the person concerned understands the right to attend the hearing and the consequences of waiving this right.
3 - Trial Chamber may authorize the person to observe the hearing from outside courtroom, and allow him to do so, the use of communications technology, if necessary.
4 - does not preclude waiver of the right to attend the hearing on confirmation of the Pre-Trial Chamber of receiving written observations on issues before the person concerned.
Rule 125: the decision to hold the confirmation hearing in the absence of the person concerned
1 - Pre-Trial Chamber decides, after holding consultations under rules 123 and 124, whether there is a need to hold a hearing to confirm the charges in the absence of the person concerned, in this case to decide whether the person's lawyer may on his behalf. The Trial Chamber may, if necessary, set a date for the hearing and announcement.
2 - The decision of the Pre-Trial Chamber to the Attorney General and, if possible, to the person concerned or his lawyer.
3 - If the Pre not to hold the confirmation hearing in the absence of the person concerned, this was not person is available to the Court, the confirmation of charges can not be done as long as this person is not available to the Court. That the Pre-Trial Chamber can review its decision at any time at the request of the Prosecutor or on its own initiative.
4 - If the Pre-Trial Chamber decided not to hold a confirmation hearing in the absence of the person concerned, and the person is available to the Court, it shall order the person to appear.
Rule 126: Confirmation hearing in the absence of the person concerned
1 - The provisions of rules 121 and 122, are applicable, mutatis mutandis, to prepare for the confirmation hearing and the hearing in the absence of the person concerned.
2 - If the Pre to allow a lawyer to represent the person concerned, made ​​available to counsel the opportunity to exercise the rights recognized to the person concerned.
3 - When arrested later on a person who has fled and the court had confirmed the charges that the prosecutor intends to build to pursue the trial, the accused person shall be referred to the Trial Chamber established under paragraph 11 of Article 61. The accused person may request in writing that the Trial Chamber refer matters necessary to the Pre-Trial Chamber to facilitate the performance of its work in an effective and fair, in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 64.
Section 6: closure of the pre-trial stage
Rule 127: procedures to be followed in the event of different decisions on multiple charges
If the Pre-Trial Chamber is ready to adopt some of the charges but deferred hearing on other charges under paragraph 7 (c) of Article 61, it may decide to delay bringing the person concerned to the Trial Chamber of the charges that are ready for approval pending the continuation of the hearing. The Trial Chamber may then determine the time limit may Prosecutor within which to make the necessary in accordance with paragraph 7 (c) '1 'or '2' of Article 61.
Rule 128: Amendment of the charges
1 - If the Prosecutor seeks to amend charges already confirmed before the start of the trial, in accordance with Article 61, it must submit a written request to Pre-Trial Chamber, which will so notify the accused.
2 - Trial Chamber may, before deciding to authorize the amendment, request the accused and the prosecutor to submit written observations on certain issues of fact or law.
3 - If the Pre that the amendments proposed Prosecutor constitute additional or more serious charges, it shall proceed, as appropriate, in accordance with rules 122 and 122 or rules from 123 to 126.
Rule 129: Notice of decision on confirmation of charges
The Attorney General shall notify the person and his lawyer, if possible, the Pre-Trial Chamber's decision on the confirmation of charges and refer the accused to the Trial Chamber. The decision is transmitted to the presidency with a protocol of the Pre-Trial Chamber.
Rule 130: Formation of the Trial Chamber
When the Presidency constitutes a Trial Chamber, and refers the case to it, it must transmit the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber and the record of the proceedings to the Trial Chamber. The Presidency may also refer the case to a Trial Chamber problem previously.
Chapter 6: Trial Procedures
Rule 131: Record of the proceedings transmitted from the Pre-Trial Chamber
1 - The Registrar shall maintain a record of the proceedings transmitted by Pre-Trial Chamber pursuant to paragraph 10 of Rule 121.
2 - subject to any restrictions concerning confidentiality and protection of information affecting national security, may Prosecutor and the defense and representatives of the States when they participate in the proceedings and the victims or their legal representatives participating in the proceedings pursuant to rules 89 to 91, refer to the record.
Rule 132: preparatory meetings
1 - Trial Chamber shall hold, as soon as it formed, a preparatory session in order to determine the date of the trial. The Trial Chamber may on its own motion, or at the request of the Prosecutor or the defense, the trial date. The Trial Chamber shall notify all parties to the lawsuit trial date. The Trial Chamber to make sure that this date and any postponements.
2 - In order to facilitate the fair conduct of the proceedings and fast, the Trial Chamber may confer with the parties and to hold preparatory meetings as appropriate.
Rule 133: Payment not to accept the case or lack of jurisdiction
The Presiding Judge shall Trial Chamber to consider, in accordance with rule 58, in any payment of lack of jurisdiction or not to accept the case provided at the commencement of the trial or offer at a later time, with the permission of the court.
Rule 134: applications relating to the trial proceedings
1 - before the start of the trial, the Trial Chamber may either request, or at the request of the Prosecutor or the defense, deciding on any matter concerning the conduct of the proceedings. Any request from the prosecution or the defense in writing, and shall be communicated to the other party unless the request an ex parte procedure party. For all requests other than those submitted for ex parte procedure one party, made ​​available to the other party a chance to file a response.
2 - at the start of the trial, Trial Chamber shall ask the Prosecutor and the defense whether they have any objections or observations concerning the conduct which have arisen from actions since hearings confirm the charges. May not be raised those objections or observations or made ​​again on a subsequent occasion in the trial proceedings without the permission of the Trial Chamber in this proceeding.
3 - After the start of the trial, the Trial Chamber may decide on its own motion, or upon the request of the Prosecutor or Defense, on issues that arise during the trial.
Rule 135: medical examination of the accused
1 - Trial Chamber may, for the purposes of meeting their obligations in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 8 (a) of Article 64 or any other reasons, or at the request of a party, order a medical examination, psychiatric or psychological to the accused in accordance with the conditions set forth in Rule 113.
2 - recorded Trial Chamber on the record its reasons for any such order.
3 - Trial Chamber shall appoint one or more of the list of experts approved by the Registrar, or an expert approved by the Trial Chamber at the request of one of the parties.
4 - Trial Chamber to postpone the trial when it is satisfied that the accused is unfit to stand trial. The Trial Chamber may, upon request, or from the prosecution or the defense, to reconsider the case of the accused. In any event, the case shall be reviewed every 120 days unless there are reasons to do otherwise. The Trial Chamber may, if necessary, to order further examinations of the accused. And initiate circuit directly in the case, and in accordance with rule 132, when satisfied that the accused has become fit to stand trial.
Rule 136: the collective and individual trials
1 - tried persons accused jointly tried together unless the court orders, upon request or from the Prosecutor or the defense, to conduct trials are considered necessary to avoid serious prejudice to the accused or to protect the interests of justice or because a Persons accused joint pleaded guilty has been proceeded against in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 65. 2 - In joint trials, give each defendant the same rights that would have given him if tried separately.
Rule 137: the record of the trial proceedings
1 - In accordance with paragraph 10 of Article 64, the Registrar to prepare and maintain a full and accurate record of all proceedings, including transcripts and audio recordings, video recordings, and other means of capturing sound or image.
2 - Trial Chamber may order the disclosure of Record of the proceedings secret of all or part of it when no longer non-disclosure.
3 - Trial Chamber may authorize persons other than the Registrar to take photographs of the trial or recorded on video or audio tapes or recorded by any other means of means of capturing sound or image.
Rule 138: preserving evidence
The Registrar shall retain all the evidence and material presented during the hearing, and preserve, as appropriate, subject to any order of the Trial Chamber.
Rule 139: Chapter in the admission of guilt
1 - after the initiation of proceedings in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 65, the Trial Chamber may for the purpose of performing its duties in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 65, to seek the views of the Prosecutor and the defense.
2 - Trial Chamber shall then issue a guilty plea and give reasons making its decision, Weedon on the record.
Rule 140: guidance on the conduct of the proceedings and testimony
1 - In the event of non-issuance of the Presiding Judge any directions under paragraph 8 of Article 64, in accordance Prosecutor and the defense on the order and the way the evidence is submitted to the Trial Chamber. If agreement can be reached, the judge who heads the Trial Chamber directives in this regard.
2 - in all cases, subject to paragraphs 8 (b) and 9 of Article 64, paragraph 4 of Article 69, paragraph 5 of Rule 88 witness may be questioned as follows :
(a) A party that submits evidence in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 69 by a witness to cross-examine this witness;
(b) The Prosecutor and the defense have the right to question that witness about relevant matters related testimony and its reliability and credibility of the witness and other related matters;
(c ) the right of the Trial Chamber to question the witness before and after his interrogation by one of the parties referred to in sub-rules 2 (a) or (b);
(d) of the right of defense to be the last to examine a witness.
3 - Do not bring any witness if had not yet testified, during the testimony of another witness, unless the expert or investigator, unless otherwise ordered by the court. However, a witness who has heard the testimony of another is not disqualified from testifying for this reason alone. When a witness testifies after hearing the testimony of others, shall be placed on the record by the Trial Chamber in mind when evaluating the evidence.
Rule 141: Closure of evidence and closing statements
1 - declares the presiding judge of the Trial Chamber being while Closure of evidence.
2 - calls for the presiding judge of the Trial Chamber Prosecutor and the defense to make their closing statements. The defense shall always have a chance to be the last speaker.
Rule 142: Proceedings
1 - After the closing statements, the Trial shall retire trading in the deliberation room. The Trial Chamber shall inform all participants in the proceedings of the date on which the Trial Chamber will pronounce its verdict. The pronouncement shall within a reasonable period of time after the Trial Chamber has retired to deliberate.
2 - If there is more than one charge, Trial Chamber shall decide separately on each charge. In the case of more than one accused, the Trial Chamber shall decide the charges against each defendant separately.
Rule 143: Additional hearings on matters related to sentence or reparations
Pursuant to the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 76, and for the purpose of holding a further hearing on issues relating to sentencing and reparations where applicable, the presiding judge determines the Trial Chamber further hearing date. And can the Trial Chamber to postpone that meeting, in exceptional circumstances, upon request, or from the Prosecutor or the defense, or the legal representatives of the victims participating in the proceedings pursuant to rules 89 to 91, in the case of respect of reparations hearings at the request of the victims, who made a request under Rule 94.
Rule 144: decision-making in the Trial Chamber
1 - the Trial Chamber decisions concerning admissibility of the case and the Court's jurisdiction and criminal responsibility of the accused, and the duration of punishment and reparation, and, wherever possible, in the presence of the accused and the prosecutor and the victims or the legal representatives of victims participating in the proceedings pursuant to rules 89 to 91, and the representatives of States who participated in the procedures.
2 - Copies of all the above-mentioned resolutions, as soon as possible, to:
(a) All those who participated in the proceedings, one of the languages ​​of the Tribunal;
(b) The accused, a language he understands completely and speaks, if necessary, to meet the requirements of fairness under paragraph 1 (f) of Article 67.
Chapter 7: Penalties
Rule 145: Determination of the sentence
1 - when determining the sentence under paragraph 1 of Article 78, the Court shall:
(a) take into account the fact that the sum of any prison sentence and fine, as appropriate, under Article 77, should be proportional to the culpability of the convicted person;
(b) take into account all relevant factors, including any aggravating factors and mitigation and consider the circumstances of each of the convicted person and crime;
(c) consider, in addition to the factors mentioned in paragraph 1 of Article 78, inter alia, the extent of the damage, particularly harm which struck the victim and his family, and the nature of the wrongful conduct committed and the means used to commit the crime; the degree of participation of the convicted person; degree of intent; and circumstances of manner, time and place; enactment of the convicted person of education and social and economic condition.
2 - In addition to the factors mentioned above, the Court shall take into account, as appropriate, the following:
(a) Mitigating circumstances such as:
'1 'circumstances which do not constitute a sufficient basis for excluding criminal responsibility, such as substantially diminished mental capacity or duress;
'2 'convicted person's conduct after the commission of the offense, including any efforts to compensate the victim or any cooperation with the Court;
(b) aggravating circumstances:
'1 'any prior criminal convictions for crimes from the jurisdiction of the court or of a similar nature;
'2 'abuse of power or official capacity;
'3 'crime where the victim is particular of any means of self-defense;
'4 'offense cruelty or multiple victims;
'5 'crime motive involving discrimination on any of the grounds referred to in paragraph 3 of Article 21;
'6 'Any other conditions not mentioned but by virtue of their nature are similar to those mentioned above.
3 - may be sentenced to life imprisonment be imposed when justified by the extreme gravity of the crime and the individual circumstances of the convicted person, the existence of one or more aggravating circumstances.
Rule 146: Imposition of fines under Article 77
1 - In determining whether to order a fine under paragraph 2 (a) of Article 77, and in fixing the amount of the fine, the court decides whether the prison sentence is sufficient or not, paying due regard to the financial capacity of the convicted person, including any orders for forfeiture in accordance with paragraph 2 (b) of Article 77, any orders for compensation and in accordance with Article 75, as appropriate. And the Court shall take into account, in addition to the factors referred to in Rule 145, whether the motive for the crime is personal financial gain and to what extent was committed to this motive. 2 - determine the appropriate value of the fine imposed under paragraph 2 (a) of Article 77. To this end, the Court mind in particular, in addition to the factors mentioned above, the results from crime of damage and injuries, as well as the relative gains that accrue to the perpetrator. Shall not exceed the total value in any way 75 per cent of the value can be determined assets, liquid or realizable, and funds owned by the convicted person, after deducting an appropriate amount that would satisfy the financial needs of the convicted person and his or her dependents. 3 - In imposing a fine, the court convicted person a reasonable period in which to pay the fine. The Court may provide for payment of a lump sum at once or in installments during that period. 4 - In imposing the fine, the court should have the option to calculate it according to a system of daily fines. In this case, the term not less than a minimum of 30 days and not more than a maximum of five years, and the court decides the total amount in accordance with sub-rules 1 and 2. And shall determine the amount of daily payment in the light of the individual circumstances of the convicted person, including the financial needs of his or her dependents. 5 - In the case of the convicted person does not pay the fine imposed in accordance with the conditions set forth above, the court may take appropriate measures pursuant to rules 217 to 222 and in accordance with the provisions of Article 109. In cases of continued where non-payment deliberate, may the Presidency, at the request or at the request of the Prosecutor, as a result conviction to exhaust all available enforcement measures, and as a last resort, to extend the term of imprisonment for a period not to exceed one fourth of these term or five years, whichever is less. And take into account the Presidency in the determination of the period of extension amount of the fine imposed and paid. Extension does not apply to cases of life imprisonment may not lead extension to exceed total period of imprisonment of 30 years. 6 - The Presidency of the Court, in order to decide whether to order an extension and the period involved, a closed session for the purpose of obtaining the views of the convicted person and the Prosecutor. The convicted person is entitled to be assisted by counsel. 7 - In imposing a fine, court warn the convicted person that failure to pay the fine in accordance with the conditions specified above may result in an extension of the period of imprisonment as described in this rule.
Rule 147: Orders Confiscation
1 - at any meeting of the hearings held to consider an order of forfeiture, a Chamber shall hear, according to the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 76, paragraph 1 of Rule 63, and Rule 143, the evidence for determining the nature and place of proceeds, property or assets which have arisen directly or indirectly from the commission of the offense.
2 - If you know the circle before the hearing or during the existence of any bona fide third party seems to have an interest relating to proceeds, property or assets relevant, notify that third party.
3 - The Prosecutor , and the convicted person, any bona fide third party with an interest in proceeds, property or assets related to submit evidence relevant to the issue.
4 - Chamber may, after considering any evidence submitted, may make an order of forfeiture in relation proceeds, property or assets specific if it is satisfied that he has been getting these proceeds, property or assets directly or indirectly from the commission of the crime.
Rule 148: Orders to transfer fines or forfeitures to the Trust Fund
A Chamber may, prior to the issuance of an order pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 79, request the representatives Fund to submit written or oral observations.
Chapter 8: Appeal and revision
Section 1: General Provisions

Rule 149: Rules governing proceedings in the Appeals Chamber
Applied, taking into account mutatis mutandis, sections 5 and 6 organizers to legal procedures and to provide evidence in the Pre-Trial Chamber to proceedings in the Appeals Chamber.
Section 2: Appeals against convictions and acquittals, sentences and reparation orders
Rule 150: Appeal
1 - may, subject to paragraph 2 of rule, an appeal against a decision of conviction or acquittal under Rule 74, a sentence under Article 76, or the reparation order issued under Article 75, no later than 30 days from the date of the party filing the notice of appeal decision sentence or the reparation order.
2 - The Appeals Chamber may extend the time limit set out in paragraph 1 of the base, and for good reason, upon the application of the party seeking to file the appeal.
3 - The appeal shall be to the Registrar.
4 - in the case of appeal is not filed in the manner prescribed in sub-rules 1 to 3 shall become final of the Trial Chamber decision or judgment or the reparation order.
Rule 151: the appeal proceedings
1 - Upon the filing of a notice of appeal under Rule 150, to refer the trial record to the Appeals Chamber.
2 - The Registrar shall notify all parties who participated in the proceedings before the Trial Chamber that has been the filing of an appeal.
Rule 152: Discontinuance of the appeal
1 - Any party who has filed an appeal to stop the appeal at any time before judgment. In that case, submit to the Registrar a written notice of discontinuance, and the Registrar shall other parties that such notice has been filed.
2 - If the Prosecutor has filed an appeal on behalf of a convicted person in accordance with paragraph 1 (b) of Article 81, for the Attorney General to submit, prior to the submission any notice of discontinuance, inform the convicted person that he intends to discontinue the appeal in order to give him the opportunity to continue the appeal proceedings.
Rule 153: Judgement on appeals against reparation orders
1 - The Appeals Chamber may confirm, reverse or modify a reparation order under article 75.
2 - The judgment of the Appeals Chamber in accordance with paragraphs 4 and 5 of Article 83.
Section 3: Appeals against other decisions
Rule 154: Appeals that do not require the permission of the Court
1 - An appeal may be filed under paragraph 3 (c) '2 'of Article 81, paragraph 1 (a) or (b) of Article 82, no later than five days from the date of the party filing the appeal is notified of the decision.
2 - may be filed appeal under paragraph 1 (c) of Article 82, no later than two days from the date of the party filing the appeal is notified of the decision.
3 - apply sub-rules 3 and 4 of Rule 150 on the appeals filed under sub-rules 1 and 2 of this rule.
Rule 155: Appeals that require leave of the Court
1 - When a party wishes to appeal a decision under paragraph 1 (d) or paragraph 2 of Article 82, that party shall, within five days of being notified of that decision, a written request to the Chamber that made ​​the decision, setting out the reasons on which it is based the request for leave to appeal.
2 - Chamber issued a decision and notify all parties who participated in the proceedings which gave rise to the decision referred to in paragraph 1 of rule.
Rule 156: Procedure for Appeal
1 - The Registrar shall transmit to the Appeals Chamber, as soon as the filing of an appeal under rule 154 or as soon as the permission to appeal under rule 155, record the proceedings before the department that issued the decision that the subject of the appeal.
2 - the registrar sends a notice of appeal to all parties who participated in the proceedings Legal before the Chamber that gave the decision subject of the appeal, unless notified circuit already under paragraph 2 of Rule 155.
3 - appeal proceedings shall be in writing unless the Appeals Chamber decides to hold a hearing.
4 - held as soon as possible hearing to appeal.
5 - The Party filing the appeal request, when filing the appeal, that the appeal have suspensive effect in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 82.
Rule 157: Discontinuance of the appeal
Any party who has filed a notice of appeal under rule 154 or received permission from the Department to appeal a decision under Rule 155, to discontinue the appeal at any time before judgment. In that case, the party to the Registrar a written notice of discontinuance. The Registrar shall inform the other parties of such notification.
Rule 158: Judgement on the appeal
1 - The Appeals Chamber may, which considers an appeal referred to in this section, may affirm, reverse or modify the decision appealed.
2 - The judgment of the Appeals Chamber in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 83.
Section 4: reconsideration of the conviction or sentence
Rule 159: request for reconsideration
1 - A request for reconsideration provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 84 in writing and set out the reasons behind it. And may be made ​​with him documents supported as much as possible.
2 - makes the decision on whether the request into consideration majority of the judges of the Appeals Chamber and shall be supported by reasons in writing.
3 - sends Notification of the decision to the applicant, and to the extent possible, to all the parties who participated in the proceedings related to the initial decision.
Rule 160: Transportation for reconsideration
1 - to hold any hearing provided for in Rule 161, issued the relevant Chamber her sufficiently in advance to enable the transfer of the sentenced person to the seat of the court, as appropriate;
2 - State of enforcement without delay to the decision of the court;
3 - The provisions of paragraph 3 of Rule 206.
Rule 161: the decision to reconsider
1 - The Chamber competent, later determine and communicate to the applicant and to all parties who received notification under paragraph 3 of Rule 159, a hearing to determine whether it should reconsider the conviction or sentence.
2 - to hold the hearing, exercising competent department all the powers of the Trial Chamber shall apply, mutatis mutandis, pursuant to Part 6 and the rules governing proceedings and the submission of evidence in the Pre-Trial Chamber.
3 - The decision to reconsider governed by the applicable provisions of paragraph 4 of Article 83.
Chapter 9: offenses and misconduct before the Court
Section I: Offences against the administration of justice in accordance with Article 70

Rule 162: the exercise of jurisdiction
1 - The Court may, before deciding whether to exercise jurisdiction, consult with States Parties that may have jurisdiction over the offense.
2 - the court may when deciding whether to exercise jurisdiction or not, give special consideration to the following:
(a) the extent to the feasibility and effectiveness of prosecution in a State party;
(b) The seriousness of the crime committed;
(c) the possibility of joinder of charges under article 70 charges under Articles 5 to 8;
(d) the need to expedite proceedings;
(e) links ongoing investigation or trial before the Court;
(f) Evidentiary considerations.
3 - Court hears favorably to a request from the host country waiver power of the Court to exercise jurisdiction in cases in which they consider the host country that such a waiver of paramount importance.
4 - If you decide to Court not to exercise its jurisdiction, may request that the State Party to exercise jurisdiction pursuant to paragraph 4 of Article 70.
Rule 163: Application of the Statute and Rules
1 - unless otherwise stated in sub-rules 2 and 3, rule 162 and rules 164 to 169, the statute and rules, taking into account, mutatis mutandis, to the Court's investigation, prosecution and punishment of offenses specified in Article 70.
2 - do not apply the provisions of section 2 and any rules thereunder, with the exception of Article 21.
3 - do not apply the provisions of section 10 and any rules thereunder, with the exception of articles 103, 107, 109 and 111.
Rule 164: Limitation Period
1 - If the Court exercises jurisdiction in accordance with rule 162, it shall apply the limitation period provided for in this rule.
2 - subject crimes defined in article 70 of limitation of five years from the date of the crime, provided that it has not been initiated during this period no investigation or prosecution. The period of limitation if initiated during this period an investigation or prosecution, either in court or by a State Party having jurisdiction over the case pursuant to paragraph 4 (a) of Article 70.
3 - Enforcement of sanctions imposed in connection with the offenses set forth in article 70, for a period of limitation of ten years from the date on which the sentence has become final. The period of limitation shall be interrupted the detention of the convicted person or while the person on the outside of the territory of the States Parties.
Rule 165: investigation, prosecution and trial
1 - The Prosecutor may initiate and conduct investigations with respect to the offenses defined in Article 70, on his own initiative, based on the information supplied by the Chamber or any reliable source.
2 - does not apply Articles 53 and 59, and any rules thereunder.
3 - For the purposes of Article 61, Trial Chamber may take without a hearing none of the determinations set forth in that article on the written submissions, unless required interests of justice otherwise.
4 - The Trial Chamber may order, as appropriate taking into account the rights of the defense, annexation charges under article 70 with charges under articles 5 to 8.
Rule 166: sanctions under Article 70
1 - This rule applies if the Court imposes sanctions under Article 70.
2 - does not apply to Article 77, and any rules thereunder, except an order of forfeiture in paragraph 2 (b) of Article 77, which may be ordered in addition to imprisonment or a fine or both.
3 - fines may be imposed on each offense separately, and these can be cumulative fines. Shall not exceed the total value in any case 50 per cent of the value can be determined assets, liquid or realizable, and property of the convicted person, after deducting an appropriate amount satisfy the financial needs of the convicted person and his or her dependents.
4 - In imposing a fine, the Court convicted person a reasonable period in which to pay the fine. The Court may provide for payment of a lump sum at once or in installments during that period.
5 - in the case of non-payment of the convicted person a fine imposed in accordance with the conditions contained in paragraph 4 of the rule, the court may take appropriate measures pursuant to rules 217 to 222 and in accordance with the provisions of Article 109. In cases of continued willful non-payment, the court may, on its own initiative or at the request of the Attorney General, as a result of conviction exhausted all available enforcement measures, and as a last resort, impose a term of imprisonment in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 70. The court takes into account in determining the period of imprisonment value of the fine paid.
Rule 167: international cooperation and judicial assistance
1 - With regard to offenses under Article 70, the court may request a State to provide any form of cooperation or judicial assistance corresponding to those forms set out in section 9. The Court notes in any of these requests that the basis for the request is an investigation or prosecution of offenses under article 70.
2 - The conditions for providing cooperation or judicial assistance to the Court in relation to offenses under Article 70, are the conditions set out in paragraph 2 of that article .
Rule 168: non bis in idem
Respect of the offenses set forth in Article 70, not prosecute any person before the court on the conduct which formed the basis for the crime convicted or acquitted by the court or another court.
Rule 169: Immediate arrest
In the case of an alleged offense under article 70 before the Chamber, the Prosecutor may orally request that Chamber to order the immediate arrest of the person concerned.
Section II: misconduct before the Court in accordance with Article 71
Rule 170: Disruption of proceedings
Taking paragraph 2 of Article 63 in mind, the judge may, who heads the department dealing with the matter, after giving a warning:
(a) to order the person who disrupts court proceedings to leave the courtroom or be removed from; or
(b) may, in case of repeated misconduct, thereby preventing that person from attending the proceedings.
Rule 171: Refusal to comply with the court order
1 - When the misconduct consists of deliberate refusal to comply with an oral or written from the court is covered by rule 170, and that is accompanied by a warning of sanctions in case of breach, the judge may, who heads the Chamber dealing with the matter may order to prevent that person from the proceedings for a period not exceeding 30 days or fined if the misconduct is more serious nature.
2 - If the person committing misconduct as described in paragraph 1 of Rule official of the Court or a defense counsel, or legal representative of the victims, may Presiding Judge dealing with the matter may also order preventing that person from exercising his duties before the court for a period not exceeding 30 days.
3 - If the opinion of the Presiding Judge that, in cases under sub-rules 1 and 2, it is appropriate to impose a block longer, transmitting Judge matter to the Presidency. The Commission may hold a hearing to decide whether to order a period of preventing or longer period to prevent permanent.
4 - does not exceed the fine imposed in accordance with paragraph 1 of Rule 000 2 euros or the equivalent in any currency, as in the cases of persistent misconduct fine may be imposed on each day continues that the misconduct, and those fines are cumulative.
5 - The person concerned shall be given an opportunity to be heard before the imposition of a sanction for misconduct as described in this rule.
Rule 172: Conduct covered by both articles 70 and 71
If conduct covered by article 71, one of the offenses specified in Article 70, the Court shall proceed in accordance with Article 70 and rules 162 to 169.
Chapter 10: Compensation to an arrested or convicted
Rule 173: Request for compensation
1 - anyone who wants to get compensation on any of the grounds referred to in Article 85, submit a written request to the Presidency, which designate a Chamber composed of three judges to consider the request. There should not be these judges have participated in any earlier judgment of the Court with respect to the applicant.
2 - The request for compensation not later than six months from the date of notification of the applicant Court's decision with respect to the following:
(a) the illegality of the arrest or detention under paragraph 1 of Article 85;
(b) reversal of the conviction under paragraph 2 of Article 85;
(c) a judicial error grave and manifest under paragraph 3 of Article 85.
3 - The request shall contain the reasons for and the amount of compensation required.
4 - The person requesting compensation right to counsel.
Rule 174: Procedure for seeking compensation
1 - to be referred to the Attorney General asked for compensation and any other written observations by the applicant in order to allow the prosecutor an opportunity to respond in writing. And notify the applicant of any observations by the Prosecutor.
2 - The Chamber designated under paragraph 1 of Rule 173 hearing or decide the matter on the basis of the request and any written observations of the Attorney General and the applicant. The hearing shall be held if so requested by the Attorney General or the person seeking compensation.
3 - make the majority of the judges decision. The decision of the Prosecutor and the applicant.
Rule 175: the amount of compensation
When determining the amount of any compensation, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 85, take into account the Chamber designated under paragraph 1 of Rule 173 resulted in grave miscarriage of justice and clear effects on the personal and family situation and social and professional to the applicant.
Chapter 11: International cooperation and judicial assistance
Section I: requests for cooperation and in accordance with Article 87

Rule 176: the competent organs of the Court to transmit and receive messages related to international cooperation and judicial assistance
1 - When you create a court, in the wake of the Registrar shall obtain from the Secretary-General of the United Nations any communication made by States pursuant to paragraphs 1 (a) and 2 of Article 87.
2 – يقوم المسجل بإحالة طلبات التعاون الصادرة عن الدوائر، ويتلقى الردود والمعلومات والوثائق من الدول الموجه إليها الطلب. ويقوم مكتب المدعي العام بإحالة طلبات التعاون المقدمة من المدعي العام، وبتلقي الردود والمعلومات والوثائق من الدول الموجه إليها الطلب.
3 - يتلقى المسجل جميع الرسائل الواردة من الدول فيما يتعلق بأي تغييرات لاحقة في تسميات الهيئات الوطنية المخولة بتلقي طلبات التعاون، وكذلك فيما يتعلق بأي تغيير للغة التي تقدم بها طلبات التعاون، ويتيح، عند الطلب، هذه المعلومات للدول الأطراف حسب الاقتضاء.
4 – تسري أحكام الفقرة 2 من القاعدة، مع مراعاة ما يقتضيه اختلاف الحال، عندما تطلب المحكمة معلومات أو وثائق أو غيرها من أشكال التعاون والمساعدة من منظمة حكومية دولية.
5 – يحيل المسجل الرسائل المشار إليها في الفقرتين 1 و 3 من هذه القاعدة والفقرة 2 من القاعدة 177 حسب الاقتضاء، إلى هيئة رئاسة المحكمة أو إلى مكتب المدعي العام، أو كليهما.
القاعدة 177: قنوات الاتصال
1 - توفر الرسائل المتعلقة بالسلطة الوطنية المخولة بتلقي طلبات التعاون والمقدمة عند التصديق أو القبول أو الموافقة أو الانضمام، جميع المعلومات ذات الصلة بهذه السلطة.
2 – عندما يطلب إلى منظمة حكومية دولية تقديم مساعدة إلى المحكمة في إطار الفقرة 6 من المادة 87، يقوم المسجل، عند اللزوم، بالتأكد من قنوات الاتصال التي حددتها ويحصل على جميع المعلومات ذات الصلة بها.
القاعدة 178: اللغة التي تختارها الدول الأطراف في إطار الفقرة 2 من المادة 87
1 - عندما تستعمل الدولة الطرف الموجه إليها الطلب أكثر من لغة رسمية واحدة، يمكنها أن تحدد، عند التصديق أو القبول أو الموافقة أو الانضمام، إمكانية تحرير طلبات التعاون وأي وثائق داعمة بأي من لغاتها الرسمية.
2 – إذا لم تقم الدولة الطرف الموجه إليها الطلب باختيار لغة الاتصال مع المحكمة عند التصديق أو القبول أو الموافقة أو الانضمام، فإن طلبات التعاون تحرر بإحدى لغتي العمل بالمحكمة أو ترفق بها ترجمة إلى إحدى هاتين اللغتين عملا بالفقرة 2 من المادة 87.
القاعدة 179: لغة الطلبات الموجهة إلى الدول غير الأطراف في النظام الأساسي
إذا لم تقم دولة غير طرف، في النظام الأساسي، قبلت تقديم المساعدة للمحكمة في إطار الفقرة 5 من المادة 87، باختيار لغة لتقديم هذه الطلبات، تحرر طلبات التعاون بإحدى لغتي العمل بالمحكمة أو ترفق بها ترجمة إلى إحدى هاتين اللغتين.
القاعدة 180: التغييرات في قنوات الاتصال أو لغات كتابة طلبات التعاون
1 - يُخطر المسجل خطيا، وفي أقرب فرصة، بالتغييرات المتعلقة بقنوات الاتصال أو باللغة التي اختارتها الدولة بموجب الفقرة 2 من المادة 87.
2 – تسري هذه التغييرات على طلبات التعاون التي تقدمها المحكمة في الوقت المتفق عليه بين المحكمة والدولة أو، في حال عدم وجود مثل هذا الاتفاق، بعد 45 يوما من تلقي المحكمة للإخطار وفي جميع الأحوال دون المساس بالطلبات الحالية أو الطلبات الجاري النظر فيها.
القسم الثاني: التقديم للمحكمة والعبور وتعدد الطلبات في إطار المادتين 89 و 90 القاعدة 181: الطعن في مقبولية الدعوى أمام محكمة وطنية
عندما تنشأ الحالة المبينة في الفقرة 2 من المادة 89، ودون مساس بأحكام المادة 19 والقواعد من 58 إلى 62 بشأن الإجراءات التي تنطبق على حالات الطعن في اختصاص المحكمة أو في مقبولية الدعوى، ولم يتم بعدُ البت في مسألة المقبولية ، فإن دائرة المحكمة التي تنظر في هذه الدعوى، تتخذ الخطوات للحصول من الدولة الموجه إليها الطلب على جميع المعلومات ذات الصلة بشأن الطعن المقدم من الشخص المعني على أساس مبدأ عدم جواز المحاكمة عن الجريمة ذاتها مرتين.
القاعدة 182: طلب العبور بموجب الفقرة 3 (هـ) من المادة 89
1 - يجوز للمحكمة في الحالات المبينة في الفقرة 3 (هـ) من المادة 89 تقديم طلب العبور بجميع الوسائط التي لها القدرة على توصيل السجلات الخطية.
2 – في حالة انقضاء المهلة الزمنية المنصوص عليها في الفقرة 3 (هـ) من المادة 89 والإفراج عن الشخص المعني، لا يحول هذا الإفراج دون القبض على الشخص المعني في وقت لاحق وفقا لأحكام المادة 89 أو المادة 92.
القاعدة 183: إمكانية التقديم المؤقت
عقب إجراء المشاورات المشار إليها في الفقرة 4 من المادة 89، يجوز للدولة الموجه إليها الطلب أن تقدم مؤقتا الشخص المطلوب وفقا لشروط تحدد بين الدولة المقدم إليها الطلب والمحكمة. وفي هذه الحالة، يبقى الشخص المذكور رهن الحبس الاحتياطي خلال فترة مثوله أمام المحكمة وينقل إلى الدولة الموجه إليها الطلب بمجرد أن يصبح مثوله أمام المحكمة غير مطلوب، وذلك في أجل لا يتجاوز موعد إتمام الإجراءات على أكثر تقدير.
القاعدة 184: ترتيبات التقديم للمحكمة
1 - تقوم الدولة الموجه إليها الطلب على الفور بإبلاغ المسجل عندما يصبح في الإمكان تقديم الشخص المطلوب من المحكمة.
2 - يقدم الشخص المعني إلى المحكمة في الموعد وبالطريقة المتفق عليهما بين سلطات الدولة الموجه إليها الطلب وبين المسجل.
3 - إذا حالت الظروف دون تقديم ذلك الشخص في الموعد المتفق عليه، تتفق سلطات الدولة الموجه إليها الطلب مع المسجل على موعد وأسلوب جديدين لتقديم الشخص إلى المحكمة.
4 – يظل المسجل على اتصال بسلطات الدولة المضيفة فيما يتعلق بالترتيبات اللازمة لتقديم الشخص المعني إلى المحكمة.
القاعدة 185: إفراج المحكمة عن شخص محتجز لديها في حالات غير حالة إكمال مدة العقوبة
1 - رهنا بالفقرة 2 من القاعدة، إذ أفرج عن الشخص المقدم إلى المحكمة من الحبس الاحتياطي لديها لكونها غير مختصة، أو لكون الدعوى غير مقبولة بموجب الفقرة 1 (ب) أو الفقرة (ج) أو الفقرة (د) من المادة 17، أو لعدم اعتماد التهم بموجب المادة 61، أو لتبرئة الشخص في المرحلة الابتدائية أو مرحلة الاستئناف، أو لأي سبب آخر، فإن المحكمة تتخذ بأسرع ما يمكن ما تراه ملائما من الترتيبات لنقل الشخص، بعد أخذ رأيه، إلى الدولة الملزمة بإيوائه، أو إلى دولة أخرى توافق على إيوائه، أو إلى الدولة التي طلبت تسليمه بعد موافقة الدولة التي قدمته أصلا. وفي هذه الحالة، تسهل الدولة المضيفة النقل وفقا للاتفاق المشار إليه في الفقرة 2 من المادة 3 وللترتيبات ذات الصلة.
2 - إذا قررت المحكمة عدم قبول الدعوى بموجب الفقرة 1 (أ) من المادة 17، فإنها تتخذ ما يلزم من ترتيبات لنقل الشخص إلى الدولة التي كان التحقيق أو الملاحقة القضائية لديها أساسا لنجاح الطعن في المقبولية، ما لم تطلب الدولة التي قدمت الشخص أصلا عودته.
القاعدة 186: تعدد الطلبات في سياق طعن في مقبولية الدعوى
في الحالات المبينة في الفقرة 8 من المادة 90، ترسل الدولة الموجه إليها الطلب إخطارا بقرارها إلى المدعي العام ليتصرف بمقتضى الفقرة 10 من المادة 19.
القسم الثالث: وثائق القبض والتقديم إلى المحكمة في إطار المادتين 91 و 92 القاعدة 187: ترجمة الوثائق المرفقة بطلب التقديم
لأغراض الفقرة 1 (أ) من المادة 67، ووفقا للقاعدة الفرعية 1 من القاعدة 117، يُشفع الطلب المقدم بموجب المادة 91، حسب الاقتضاء، بترجمة لأمر القبض أو لحكم الإدانة، كما يُشفع بترجمة لنص جميع أحكام النظام الأساسي ذات الصلة، إلى لغة يجيد الشخص المعني فهمها والتكلم بها تمام الإجادة.
القاعدة 188: المهلة الزمنية لتقديم الوثائق بعد القبض الاحتياطي
لأغراض الفقرة 3 من المادة 92، تكون مهلة تسلم الدولة الموجه إليها الطلب لطلب التقديم والوثائق المؤيدة لهذا الطلب 60 يوما من تاريخ القبض الاحتياطي.
القاعدة 189: إحالة الوثائق المؤيدة للطلب
عندما يوافق الشخص على تسليم نفسه إلى المحكمة وفقا لأحكام الفقرة 3 من المادة 92، وتشرع الدولة الموجه إليها الطلب في تقديم هذا الشخص إلى المحكمة، لا تكون المحكمة مطالبة بتقديم الوثائق المبينة في المادة 91، ما لم تطلب الدولة الموجه إليها الطلب غير ذلك.
القسم الرابع: التعاون في إطار المادة 93
القاعدة 190: إرفاق تعليمات عن تجريم النفس بالطلب للشهادة
عند تقديم طلب لمثول شاهد بموجب الفقرة 1 (هـ) من المادة 93، ترفق المحكمة تعليمات بشأن القاعدة 74 المتعلقة بتجريم النفس، لتزويد الشاهد المعني بها، على أن تكون بلغة يجيد هذا الشخص فهما والتكلم بها تمام الإجادة.
القاعدة 191: الضمانات المقدمة من المحكمة بموجب الفقرة 2 من المادة 93
يجوز لدائرة المحكمة التي تنظر في الدعوى أن تقرر تقديم الضمانات المبيَّنة في الفقرة 2 من المادة 93 بمبادرتها الخاصة أو بطلب من المدعي العام أو الدفاع أو الشاهد أو الخبير المعني، وذلك بعد أن تأخذ الدائرة في الاعتبار آراء المدعي العام والشاهد أو الخبير المعني.
القاعدة 192: نقل الشخص الموضوع رهن الحبس الاحتياطي
1 - تتولى السلطات الوطنية المعنية، بالاتصال مع المسجل وسلطات الدولة المضيفة، الترتيب لنقل الشخص الموضوع رهن الحبس الاحتياطي إلى المحكمة وفقا لأحكام الفقرة 7 من المادة 93.
2 - يكفل المسجل تنظيم عملية النقل على الوجه السليم، بما في ذلك الإشراف على الشخص المعني أثناء وجوده رهن الحبس الاحتياطي لدى المحكمة.
3 - للشخص الموضوع رهن الحبس الاحتياطي لدى المحكمة الحق في أن يثير أمام دائرة المحكمة ذات الصلة المسائل المتعلقة بظروف احتجازه.
4 - بعد تحقيق الأغراض المتوخاة من نقل الشخص الموضوع رهن الحبس الاحتياطي، يقوم المسجل، وفقا لأحكام الفقرة 7 (ب) من المادة 93، بالترتيب لعودة ذلك الشخص إلى الدولة الموجه إليها الطلب.
القاعدة 193: النقل المؤقت للشخص من دولة التنفيذ
1 - يجوز للدائرة التي تنظر في القضية أن تأمر بالنقل المؤقت من دولة التنفيذ إلى مقر المحكمة لأي شخص حكمت عليه المحكمة وكانت بحاجة إلى شهادة يدلي بها أو مساعدة أخرى يقدمها. ولا تسري أحكام الفقرة 7 من المادة 93.
2 - يكفل مسجل المحكمة سير عملية النقل على الوجه السليم، بالاتصال مع سلطات دولة التنفيذ وسلطات الدولة المضيفة. وعندما يستوفى الغرض من النقل، تعيد المحكمة الشخص المحكوم عليه إلى دولة التنفيذ.
3 – يحتفظ بالشخص رهن الحبس الاحتياطي أثناء فترة مثوله أمام المحكمة. وتخصم كامل فترة احتجازه في مقر المحكمة من مدة الحكم المتبقية عليه.
القاعدة 194: التعاون الذي يطلب من المحكمة
1 - وفقا لأحكام الفقرة 10 من المادة 93، وتمشيا مع أحكام المادة 96، مع مراعاة ما يقتضيه اختلاف الحال، يجوز لدولة من الدول أن تحيل إلى المحكمة طلبا للتعاون مع المحكمة أو لتقديم المساعدة إليها، سواء بإحدى لغتي العمل في المحكمة أو مصحوبا بترجمة إلى إحديهما.
2 - ترسل الطلبات المبينة في الفقرة (1) من القاعدة إلى المسجل، الذي يتولى إحالتها سواء إلى المدعي العام أو إلى الدائرة المعنية، حسب الاقتضاء.
3 - إذا تم اتخاذ تدابير للحماية في نطاق مدلول المادة 68، ينظر المدعي العام أو دائرة المحكمة، حسب الاقتضاء في آراء الدائرة التي أصدرت الأمر بهذه التدابير، فضلا عن آراء الضحية أو الشاهد ذي الصلة، قبل البت في الطلب.
4 - إذا تعلَّق الطلب المذكور بوثائق أو أدلة على النحو المبين في الفقرة 10 (ب) ‘2’ من المادة 93، يحصل المدعي العام أو دائرة المحكمة، حسب الاقتضاء، على موافقة خطية من الدولة ذات الصلة قبل الشروع في النظر في الطلب.
5 - إذا قررت المحكمة الموافقة على طلب دولة ما التعاون معها أو تقديم المساعدة إليها، ينفذ هذا الطلب، قدر الإمكان، على أساس الإجراءات التي تبينها فيه الدولة الطالبة ومع الإذن بحضور الأشخاص المحددين في الطلب.
القسم الخامس: التعاون في إطار المادة 98
القاعدة 195: تقديم المعلومات
1 - عند قيام الدولة الموجه إليها الطلب بإخطار المحكمة بأن طلب تقديم أو مساعدة يثير مشكلة في التنفيذ فيما يتعلق بأحكام المادة 98، تقدم هذه الدولة أي المعلومات ذات صلة لمساعدة المحكمة على تطبيق أحكام المادة 98. ويجوز لجميع الدول الغير أو الدول المرسلة المعنية تقديم معلومات إضافية لمساعدة المحكمة.
2 - لا يجوز للمحكمة أن توجه طلبا لتسليم شخص دون الحصول على موافقة الدولة المرسلة إذا كان الطلب لا يتفق، بموجب الفقرة 2 من المادة 98، مع التزامات بموجب اتفاق دولي يضع موافقة الدولة المرسلة كشرط لتسليم شخص تابع لتلك الدولة إلى المحكمة.
القسم السادس: قاعدة التخصيص في إطار المادة 101
القاعدة 196: تقديم الآراء بشأن الفقرة 1 من المادة 101
يجوز للشخص المقدم إلى المحكمة إبداء آراء بشأن ما يراه من انتهاك لأحكام الفقرة 1 من المادة 101.
القاعدة 197: تمديد أجل التقديم
عندما تطلب المحكمة الإعفاء من الشروط المنصوص عليها في الفقرة 1 من المادة 101، يجوز للدولة الموجه إليها الطلب أن تطلب إلى المحكمة الحصول على آراء الشخص المقدم إلى المحكمة وتزويد الدولة المذكورة بها.
الفصل 12: التنفيذ
القسم 1: دور الدول في تنفيذ أحكام السجن وتغيير دولة التنفيذ المعنية في إطار المادتين 103 و 104

القاعدة 198: الاتصالات بين المحكمة والدول
تنطبق المادة 87 والقواعد من 176 إلى 180، حسب الاقتضاء، على الاتصالات التي تجري بين المحكمة وإحدى الدول فيما يتعلق بالمسائل المتصلة بتنفيذ العقوبات، ما لم يتطلب السياق غير ذلك.
القاعدة 199: الجهاز المسؤول بموجب أحكام الباب 10
تمارس هيئة الرئاسة مهام المحكمة المندرجة في نطاق الباب 10 ، ما لم ينص في القواعد على خلاف ذلك.
القاعدة 200: قائمة دول التنفيذ
1 - ينشئ المسجل قائمة بالدول التي تبدي استعدادها لقبول الأشخاص المحكوم عليهم ويتولى أمر هذه القائمة؛
2 – لا تدرج هيئة الرئاسة دولة من الدول في القائمة المنصوص عليها في الفقرة (1) (أ) من المادة 103 في حالة عدم موافقتها على الشروط التي تقرن بها هذه الدولة قبولها. ويجوز لهيئة الرئاسة قبل البت في الأمر أن تطلب أي معلومات إضافية من تلك الدولة؛
3 - يجوز للدولة التي تقرن قبولها بشروط أن تسحب هذه الشروط في أي وقت. وتخضع أية تعديلات على هذه الشروط أو أي إضافات إليها لإقرار هيئة الرئاسة؛
4 - يجوز للدولة أن تخطر المسجل في أي وقت بانسحابها من القائمة. ولا يؤثر هذا الانسحاب على تنفيذ الأحكام المتعلقة بالأشخاص الذين تكون الدولة قد قبلتهم بالفعل؛
5 - يجوز للمحكمة الدخول في ترتيبات ثنائية مع الدول بهدف تحديد إطار لقبول السجناء الصادرة عليهم أحكام من المحكمة. وتكون هذه الترتيبات متمشية مع أحكام النظام الأساسي.
القاعدة 201: مبادئ التوزيع العادل
لأغراض الفقرة 3 من المادة 103، تشمل مبادئ التوزيع العادل ما يلي:
(أ) مبدأ التوزيع الجغرافي العادل؛
(ب) ضرورة أن تتاح لكل دولة مدرجة في القائمة فرصة إيواء بعض الأشخاص المحكوم عليهم؛
(ج) عدد الأشخاص المحكوم عليهم الذين آوتهم بالفعل تلك الدولة وسائر دول التنفيذ؛
(د) أية عوامل أخرى ذات صلة.
القاعدة 202: توقيت تسليم الشخص المحكوم عليه إلى دولة التنفيذ
لا يتم تسليم الشخص المحكوم عليه من المحكمة إلى الدولة المعينة للتنفيذ ما لم يكتسب القرار المتعلق بالإدانة والقرار المتعلق بالعقوبة الدرجة القطعية.
القاعدة 203: آراء الشخص المحكوم عليه
1 - تخطر هيئة الرئاسة الشخص المحكوم عليه خطيا بأنها تنظر في تعيين دولة للتنفيذ. ويقدم الشخص المحكوم عليه كتابة إلى هيئة الرئاسة، في غضون المهلة التي تحددها، آراءه في هذا الشأن؛
2 - يجوز لهيئة الرئاسة أن تأذن للشخص المحكوم عليه بعرض إفاداته شفهيا؛
3 - تتيح هيئة الرئاسة للشخص المحكوم عليه ما يلي:
(أ) أن يساعده، حسب الاقتضاء، مترجم شفوي قدير وأن يستعين بكل ما يلزم من الترجمة لعرض آرائه؛
(ب) أن يُمنح الوقت الكافي والتسهيلات اللازمة للإعداد لعرض آرائه.
القاعدة 204: المعلومات المتعلقة بتعيين دولة التنفيذ
لدى إخطار هيئة الرئاسة الدولة المعينة للتنفيذ بقرارها تنقل إلى هذه الدولة أيضا المعلومات والوثائق التالية:
(أ) اسم الشخص المحكوم عليه وجنسيته وتاريخ ومكان ميلاده؛
(ب) نسخة من الحكم النهائي بالإدانة والعقوبة المفروضة؛
(ج) مدة العقوبة والتاريخ الذي تبدأ فيه والمدة المتبقي تنفيذها منها؛
(د) أية معلومات لازمة عن الحالة الصحية للشخص المحكوم عليه، بما في ذلك كل ما يتلقاه من علاج طبي، وذلك بعد الاستماع إلى آرائه.
القاعدة 205: رفض التعيين في حالة معينة
عند رفض إحدى الدول في حالة معينة تعيينها للتنفيذ من قِبل هيئة الرئاسة، يجوز لهيئة الرئاسة تعيين دولة أخرى.
القاعدة 206: تسليم الشخص المحكوم عليه إلى دولة التنفيذ
1 - يخطر المسجل المدعي العام والشخص المحكوم عليه بالدولة المعينة لتنفيذ الحكم؛
2 - يُسلَّم الشخص المحكوم عليه إلى دولة التنفيذ في أسرع وقت ممكن بعد إبداء الدولة المعينة للتنفيذ قبولها؛3 – يكفل المسجل حُسن إجراء عملية التسليم بالتشاور مع السلطات في دولة التنفيذ والدولة المضيفة؛
القاعدة 207: المرور العابر
1 - لا حاجة إلى ترخيص إذا نقل الشخص المحكوم عليه بطريق الجو ولم يتقرر الهبوط في إقليم دولة المرور العابر. وفي حالة الهبوط غير المقرر في إقليم دولة المرور العابر، تقوم تلك الدولة، في حدود ما تسمح به إجراءات القانون الوطني، بوضع الشخص المحكوم عليه رهن الحبس الاحتياطي إلى حين تلقيها طلبا بالمرور العابر على النحو المنصوص عليه في الفقرة 2 من القاعدة أو طلبا بموجب الفقرة 1 من المادة 89، أو بموجب المادة 92؛
2 - تأذن الدولة الطرف، في حدود ما تسمح به إجراءات القانون الوطني، بعبور الشخص المحكوم عليه إقليمها وتطبق أحكام الفقرة 3 (ب) و (ج) من المادة 89، وأحكام المادتين 105 و 108 وأي قواعد متصلة بهما، حسب الاقتضاء، ويشفع بطلب المرور العابر هذا نسخة من الحكم النهائي بالإدانة والعقوبة المفروضة.
القاعدة 208: التكاليف
1 - تتحمل دولة التنفيذ التكاليف العادية لتنفيذ العقوبة في إقليمها؛
2 - تتحمل المحكمة التكاليف الأخرى، بما فيها تكاليف نقل الشخص المحكوم عليه والتكاليف المشار إليها في الفقرة 1 (ج) و (د) و (هـ) من المادة 100.
القاعدة 209: تغيير الدولة المعينة للتنفيذ
1 - يجوز لهيئة الرئاسة، بناء على قرار نابع منها أو على طلب من الشخص المحكوم عليه أو من المدعي العام، أن تتصرف في أي وقت وفقا لأحكام الفقرة 1 من المادة 104؛
2 - يُقدَّم طلب الشخص المحكوم عليه أو المدعي العام كتابة وتبين فيه الأسباب التي يبنى عليها طلب النقل.
القاعدة 210: الإجراء الذي يتبع لتغيير الدولة المعينة للتنفيذ
1 - يجوز لهيئة الرئاسة قبل اتخاذ قرار بتغيير الدولة المعينة للتنفيذ القيام بما يلي:
(أ) طلب آراء من دولة التنفيذ؛
(ب) النظر في إفادات الشخص المحكوم عليه والمدعي العام الخطية أو الشفهية؛
(ج) النظر في رأي الخبراء الخطي أو الشفهي فيما يتعلق بجملة أمور من بينها الشخص المحكوم عليه؛
(د) الحصول على أي معلومات أخرى ذات صلة من أية مصادر موثوق بها.
2 - تنطبق أحكام الفقرة 3 من القاعدة 203،حسب الاقتضاء.
3 - في حالة رفض هيئة الرئاسة تغيير الدولة المعنية للتنفيذ، تقوم، بأسرع ما يمكن، بإبلاغ الشخص المحكوم عليه، والمدعي العام، والمسجل بقرارها والأسباب التي دعت إليه، وتقوم أيضا بإبلاغ دولة التنفيذ.
القسم 2: تنفيذ العقوبة والإشراف على تنفيذ الأحكام ونقل الشخص عند إتمام مدة الحكم وفقا للمواد 105 و 106 و 107
القاعدة 211: الإشراف على تنفيذ الأحكام وأوضاع السجون
1 - للإشراف على تنفيذ أحكام السجن:
(أ) تكفل الرئاسة، بالتشاور مع دولة التنفيذ، احترام أحكام الفقرة 3 من المادة 106 لدى وضع الترتيبات المناسبة لكي يمارس أي شخص محكوم عليه حقه في الاتصال بالمحكمة بشأن أوضاع السجن؛
(ب) يجوز للرئاسة، عند اللزوم، أن تطلب من دولة التنفيذ أو من أي مصادر موثوق بها أية معلومات أو أي تقرير أو رأي لأهل الخبرة؛
(ج) يجوز لها، حسب الاقتضاء، تفويض قاض من المحكمة أو أحد موظفيها مسؤولية الاجتماع، بعد إخطار دولة التنفيذ، بالشخص المحكوم عليه والاستماع إلى آرائه، دون حضور السلطات الوطنية؛
(د) يجوز لها، حسب الاقتضاء، أن تمنح دولة التنفيذ فرصة للتعليق على الآراء التي يعرب عنها الشخص المحكوم عليه بموجب الفقرة 1 (ج) من القاعدة .
2 - عندما يكون الشخص المحكوم عليه مؤهلا للاستفادة من أحد البرامج التي يقدمها السجن أو للتمتع بحق ما يتيحه القانون المحلي لدولة التنفيذ، على نحو قد يستتبع قيامه ببعض النشاط خارج السجن، تُبلغ دولة التنفيذ الرئاسة بذلك ومعه أية معلومات أو ملاحظات ذات صلة، حتى تتمكن المحكمة من ممارسة مهمتها الإشرافية.
القاعدة 212: المعلومات المتعلقة بمكان الشخص لأغراض تنفيذ تدابير التغريم أو المصادرة أو التعويض
لأغراض تنفيذ تدابير التغريم أو المصادرة، وتدابير التعويض التي تأمر بها المحكمة، يجوز لهيئة الرئاسة، في أي وقت أو قبل انقضاء الوقت المحدد لإتمام المدة التي يقضيها الشخص المحكوم عليه بفترة 30 يوما على الأقل، أن تطلب إلى دولة التنفيذ أن تحيل إليها المعلومات ذات الصلة المتعلقة باعتزام تلك الدولة الإذن للشخص المعني بالبقاء في إقليمها أو المكان الذي تعتزم نقل هذا الشخص إليه.
القاعدة 213: الإجراء المتبع في إطار الفقرة 3 من المادة 107
ينطبق الإجراء الوارد في القاعدتين 214 و 215، حسب الاقتضاء، على الفقرة 3 من المادة 107.
القسم 3: القيود على المقاضاة أو العقوبة على جرائم أخرى في إطار المادة 108
القاعدة 214: طلب مقاضاة أو تنفيذ حكم صدر بسبب سلوك سابق
1 - لأغراض تطبيق المادة 108، حين ترغب دولة التنفيذ في ملاحقة الشخص المحكوم عليه قضائيا أو توقيع العقوبة عليه فيما يتعلق بأي سلوك ارتكبه ذلك الشخص قبل نقله، تخطر تلك الدولة هيئة الرئاسة بما تعتزمه وتحيل إليها الوثائق التالية:
(أ) بيانا بوقائع القضية وتكييفها القانوني؛
(ب) نسخة من جميع الأحكام القانونية المنطبقة، بما في ذلك الأحكام المتعلقة بقانون التقادم والعقوبات المنطبقة؛
(ج) نسخة من جميع الأحكام، وأوامر القبض، وسائر الوثائق التي لها نفس القوة، أو من سائر الأوامر القضائية القانونية التي تعتزم الدولة تنفيذها؛
(د) محضرا يتضمن آراء الشخص المحكوم عليه التي تم الحصول عليها بعد إعطائه معلومات كافية بشأن الإجراءات؛
2 - في حالة تقديم دولة أخرى طلبا للتسليم، تحيل دولة التنفيذ الطلب بأكمله إلى هيئة الرئاسة، مشفوعا بمحضر يشتمل على آراء الشخص المحكوم عليه التي تم الحصول عليها بعد إعطائه معلومات كافية بشأن طلب التسليم؛
3 - يجوز لهيئة الرئاسة في جميع الحالات أن تطلب من دولة التنفيذ أو الدولة التي تطلب التسليم أي وثيقة أو معلومات إضافية؛
4 - إذا سلمت الشخص إلى المحكمة دولة غير دولة التنفيذ أو الدولة التي تطلب تسليمه، تتشاور هيئة الرئاسة مع الدولة التي سلمت الشخص وتأخذ في الاعتبار أية آراء تبديها هذه الدولة.
5 - يبلغ المدعي العام بأي معلومات أو وثائق محالة إلى هيئة الرئاسة بموجب القواعد الفرعية 1 إلى 4، وله أن يقدم تعليقاته؛
6 – يجوز لهيئة الرئاسة أن تقرر عقد جلسة.
القاعدة 215: البت في طلب المقاضاة أو تنفيذ حكم
1 - تتخذ هيئة الرئاسة قرارا بأسرع ما يمكن. ويخطر بهذا القرار جميع من شاركوا في الإجراءات.
2 - إذا تعلق الطلب المقدم في إطار الفقرتين 1 أو 2 من القاعدة 214 بتنفيذ حكم، يجوز أن يقضي الشخص المحكوم عليه ذلك الحكم في الدولة التي تحددها المحكمة لتنفيذ الحكم الذي أصدرته أو يسلم لدولة ثالثة ولا يكون ذلك إلا بعد قضاء كامل مدة العقوبة التي قررتها المحكمة، رهنا بأحكام المادة 110.
3 - لا يجوز لهيئة رئاسة المحكمة أن تأذن بالتسليم المؤقت للشخص المحكوم عليه إلى دولة ثالثة لأغراض الملاحقة القضائية إلا إذا تلقت تأكيدات تراها كافية بأن المحكوم عليه سيبقى رهن الحبس الاحتياطي في الدولة الغير وسيتم نقله إلى الدولة المسؤولة عن تنفيذ الحكم الصادر عن المحكمة بعد الملاحقة القضائية.
القاعدة 216: المعلومات المتعلقة بالتنفيذ
تطلب هيئة الرئاسة من دولة التنفيذ إبلاغها بأي حادث هام يتعلق بالشخص المحكوم عليه، وبأي إجراءات قضائية تتخذ ضد هذا الشخص لحوادث وقعت في وقت لاحق لنقله.
القسم 4: تنفيذ تدابير التغريم والمصادرة وأوامر التعويض
القاعدة 217: التعاون وتدابير تنفيذ التغريم والمصادرة وأوامر التعويض
لأغراض تنفيذ أوامر التغريم والمصادرة والتعويض، تطلب هيئة الرئاسة، حسب الاقتضاء، التعاون واتخاذ تدابير بشأن التنفيذ، وفقا للباب 9، كما تحيل نسخا من الأوامر ذات الصلة إلى أي دولة يبدو أن للشخص المحكوم عليه صلة مباشرة بها إما بحكم جنسيته أو محل إقامته الدائم أو إقامته المعتادة، أو بحكم المكان الذي توجد فيه أصول وممتلكات المحكوم عليه أو التي يكون للضحية هذه الصلات بها. وتبلغ هيئة الرئاسة الدولة، حسب الاقتضاء، بأي مطالبات من طرف ثالث أو بعدم ورود مطالبة من شخص تلقى إخطارا بأي إجراءات تمت عملا بالمادة 75.
القاعدة 218: أوامر المصادرة والتعويض
1 - لتمكين الدول من تنفيذ أمر من أوامر المصادرة، يحدد الأمر ما يلي:
(أ) هوية الشخص الذي صدر الأمر ضده؛
(ب) والعائدات والممتلكات والأصول التي أمرت المحكمة بمصادرتها؛
(ج) وأنه إذا تعذر على الدولة الطرف تنفيذ أمر المصادرة فيما يتعلق بالعائدات أو الممتلكات أو الأصول المحددة، فإنها تتخذ تدابير للحصول على قيمتها.
2 - في طلب التعاون وتدابير التنفيذ، توفر المحكمة أيضا المعلومات المتاحة بشأن مكان وجود العائدات والممتلكات والأصول التي يشملها أمر المصادرة.
3 - لتمكين الدول من تنفيذ أمر من أوامر التعويض، يحدد الأمر ما يلي:
(أ) هوية الشخص الذي صدر الأمر ضده؛
(ب) فيما يتعلق بالتعويضات ذات الطبيعة المالية، هوية الضحايا الذين تقرر منحهم تعويضات فردية، وفي حالة إيداع مبلغ التعويضات المحكوم بها في صندوق استئماني للتفاصيل المتعلقة بالصندوق الاستئماني الذي ستودع فيه التعويضات؛
(ج) نطاق وطبيعة التعويضات التي حكمت بها المحكمة، بما في ذلك الممتلكات والأصول المحكوم بالتعويض عنها، حيثما ينطبق ذلك.
4 - إذا حكمت المحكمة بتعويضات على أساس فردي، تُرسل نسخة من أمر التعويض إلى الضحية المعنية.
القاعدة 219: عدم تعديل أوامر التعويض
تبلغ هيئة الرئاسة، عند قيامها بموجب القاعدة 217 بإحالة نسخ من أوامر التعويض إلى دول أطراف، هذه الدول بأنه لا يجوز للسلطات الوطنية عند تنفيذ أوامر التعويض أن تعدل التعويض الذي حددته المحكمة، أو نطاق أو مدى أي ضرر، أو خسارة، أو إصابة بتت المحكمة في أمرها، أو المبادئ المنصوص عليها في الأمر، وأن عليها أن تسهل تنفيذ هذا الأمر.
القاعدة 220: عدم تعديل الأحكام التي فرضت فيها الغرامات
تبلغ هيئة الرئاسة، عند قيامها وفقا للمادة 109 والقاعدة 217 بإحالة نسخ من الأحكام الموقع فيها غرامات إلى دول أطراف لغرض تنفيذها، هذه الدول بأنه لا يجوز للسلطات الوطنية عند تنفيذ الغرامات الموقعة أن تعدل هذه الغرامات.
القاعدة 221: البت في المسائل المتعلقة بالتصرف في الممتلكات أو الأصول أو توزيعها
1 - تبت هيئة الرئاسة، بعد التشاور، حسب الاقتضاء، مع المدعي العام، والشخص المحكوم عليه، والضحايا أو ممثليهم القانونيين، والسلطات الوطنية لدولة التنفيذ أو أي طرف ثالث يهمه الأمر، أو ممثلي الصندوق الاستئماني المنصوص عليه في المادة 79 ، في جميع المسائل المتصلة بالتصرف في ممتلكات المحكوم عليه أو أصوله التي يتم الحصول عليها أو بتوزيعها عن طريق تنفيذ أمر أصدرته المحكمة.
2 - في جميع الأحوال، عندما تبت هيئة الرئاسة في التصرف في توزيع ممتلكات المحكوم عليه وأصوله أو توزيعها، فإنها تعطي الأولوية لتنفيذ التدابير المتعلقة بتعويض الضحايا .
القاعدة 222: تقديم المساعدة في توفير الخدمات أو أي تدبير آخر
تقدم هيئة الرئاسة المساعدة للدولة في تنفيذ التغريم والمصادرة والتعويض، عند الطلب، مع تقديم أي إخطار ذي صلة بشأن الشخص المحكوم عليه أو أي أشخاص آخرين ذوي صلة بالموضوع، أو في اتخاذ أي تدبير آخر لازم لتنفيذ الأمر بموجب إجراءات القانون الوطني لدولة التنفيذ.
القسم 5: إعادة النظر في شأن تخفيض العقوبة في إطار المادة 110
القاعدة 223: معايير إعادة النظر في شأن تخفيض العقوبة
لدى إعادة النظر في مسألة تخفيض العقوبة عملا بالفقرتين 3 و 5 من المادة 110، يراعي قضاة دائرة الاستئناف الثلاثة المعايير المدرجة في الفقرة 4 (أ) و (ب) من المادة 110 والمعايير التالية:
(أ) تصرف المحكوم عليه أثناء احتجازه بما يظهر انصرافا حقيقيا عن جرمه؛
(ب) احتمال إعادة دمج المحكوم عليه في المجتمع واستقراره فيه بنجاح؛
(ج) ما إذا كان الإفراج المبكر عن المحكوم عليه سيؤدي إلى درجة كبيرة من عدم الاستقرار الاجتماعي؛
(د) أي إجراء مهم يتخذه المحكوم عليه لصالح الضحايا وأي أثر يلحق بالضحايا وأسرهم من جراء الإفراج المبكر؛
(هـ) الظروف الشخصية للمحكوم عليه، بما في ذلك تدهور حالته البدنية أو العقلية، أو تقدمه في السن.
القاعدة 224: الإجراء المتبع عند إعادة النظر في شأن تخفيض العقوبة
1 - لتطبيق الفقرة 3 من المادة 110، يقوم قضاة دائرة الاستئناف الثلاثة الذين تعينهم تلك الدائرة بعقد جلسة استماع لأسباب استثنائية ما لم يقروا خلاف ذلك في قضية بعينها. وتعقد جلسة الاستماع مع المحكوم عليه، الذي يجوز أن يساعده محاميه، مع توفير ما قد يلزم من ترجمة شفوية. ويدعو قضاة دائرة الاستئناف الثلاثة المدعي العام والدولة القائمة بتنفيذ أي عقوبة منصوص عليها في المادة 77 أو أي أمر بجبر الضرر عملا بالمادة 75، ويدعون، بقدر الإمكان، الضحايا أو ممثليهم القانونيين الذين شاركوا في الإجراءات إلى المشاركة في الجلسة أو إلى تقديم ملاحظات خطية. ويجوز، في ظروف استئنائية، عقد جلسة الاستماع عن طريق التخاطب بواسطة الفيديو أو في دولة التنفيذ تحت إشراف قاض توفده دائرة الاستئناف.
2 - يقوم نفس قضاة دائرة الاستئناف الثلاثة بإبلاغ القرار وأسبابه في أقرب وقت ممكن إلى جميع الذين شاركوا في إجراءات إعادة النظر.
3 - لتطبيق الفقرة 5 من المادة 110، يضطلع قضاة دائرة الاستئناف الثلاثة، الذين تعينهم تلك الدائرة، بإعادة النظر في مسألة تخفيض العقوبة كل ثلاث سنوات، ما لم تحدد الدائرة فترة أقل في قرار تتخذه عملا بأحكام الفقرة 3 من المادة 110. ويجوز لقضاة دائرة الاستئاف الثلاثة، في حالة حدوث تغير كبير في الظروف، السماح للشخص المحكوم عليه بطلب إعادة النظر في تخفيض العقوبة في غضون فترة ثلاث سنوات أو في غضون فترة أقل يحددونها هم.
4 - للقيام بأي عملية إعادة نظر بموجب الفقرة 5 من المادة 110، يدعو قضاة دائرة الاستئناف الثلاثة، الذين تعينهم تلك الدائرة، الشخص المحكوم عليه أو محاميه، والمدعي العام، والدولة القائمة بتنفيذ أي عقوبة منصوص عليها في المادة 77 أو أي أمر بجبر الضرر عملا بالمادة 75 ويدعون إلى الحد المستطاع الضحايا أو ممثليهم القانونيين الذين شاركوا في الاجراءات، إلى تقديم بيانات خطية. ويجوز لقضاة دائرة الاستئناف الثلاثة أيضا أن يقرروا عقد جلسة استماع.
5 - يبلغ القرار وأسبابه في أقرب وقت ممكن إلى جميع من شاركوا في إجراءات إعادة النظر.
القسم 6: الفرار
القاعدة 225: التدابير التي تتخذ بموجب المادة 111 في حالة الفرار
1 - في حالة فرار الشخص المحكوم عليه تخطر دولة التنفيذ مسجل المحكمة بذلك في أقرب وقت ممكن عن طريق أي وسيلة لها القدرة على توصيل السجلات الخطية وتتصرف الرئاسة حينئذ وفقا للباب 9.
2 - بيد أنه إذا وافقت الدولة التي يوجد بها الشخص المحكوم عليه، على تسليمه إلى دولة التنفيذ، عملا باتفاقات دولية أو بقوانينها الوطنية، تبلغ دولة التنفيذ مسجل المحكمة بذلك خطيا. ويسلم الشخص إلى دولة التنفيذ في أقرب وقت ممكن، وبالتشاور عند اللزوم مع مسجل المحكمة الذي يتعين عليه أن يقدم كل ما يلزم من مساعدة، بما في ذلك، عند الاقتضاء، تقديم طلبات لنقل المحكوم عليه في مرور عابر إلى الدول المعنية، وفقا للقاعدة 207. وتتحمل المحكمة تكاليف تسليم المحكوم عليه إذا لم تتول مسؤوليتها أية دولة.
3 - إذا سُلِّم الشخص المحكوم عليه إلى المحكمة عملا بالباب 9، تنقله المحكمة إلى دولة التنفيذ. بيد أنه يجوز للرئاسة، من تلقاء نفسها أو بناء على طلب المدعي العام أو دولة التنفيذ الأولى ووفقا للمادة 103 والقواعد 203 إلى 206، أن تعين دولة أخرى، بما في ذلك الدولة التي فر المحكوم عليه إلى إقليمها.
4 - وفي كل الأحوال، تخصم كامل فترة الاحتجاز في إقليم الدولة التي بقي فيها الشخص المحكوم عليه رهن الحبس الاحتياطي بعد فراره، حيثما انطبقت القاعدة الفرعية3، وفترة الاحتجاز في مقر المحكمة بعد أن تسلمه الدولة التي عثر عليه فيها، من مدة الحكم المتبقية عليه.
* وثيقة الأمم المتحدة ICC-ASP/1/3 (SUPP).
**مذكرة تفسيرية: تعد القواعد الإجرائية وقواعد الإثبات وسيلة لتطبيق نظام روما الأساسي للمحكمة الجنائية الدولية وتابعة له في جميع الحالات. ويتمثل الهدف منها في تدعيم أحكام النظام. وقد أوليت العناية، لدى بلورة القواعد الإجرائية وقواعد الإثبات، لتفادي إعادة صياغة أحكام النظام الأساسي وعدم القيام، قدر المستطاع، بتكرارها. وضمنت القواعد، حسب الاقتضاء، إشارات مباشرة إلى النظام الأساسي، وذلك من أجل تأكيد العلاقة القائمة بين القواعد والنظام، على النحو المنصوص عليه في المادة 51، وبخاصة الفقرتان 4 و 5.
وينبغي، في جميع الأحوال، قراءة القواعد الإجرائية وقواعد الإثبات بالاقتران مع أحكام النظام ورهنا بها.
لا تمس القواعد الإجرائية وقواعد الإثبات للمحكمة الجنائية الدولية بالقواعد الإجرائية المعدة لأي محكمة وطنية ولا بأي نظام قانوني وطني لأغراض الإجراءات الوطنية.

العودة للصفحة الرئيسية